NYC Hash House Harriettes

NYCHHNew York City Hash House Harriettes


This is the female hash founded by Elaine Kerr & Michele Thompson in 9 Feb 1999. We have periodic happy hours about once a month (ha!). These are for harriettes and their allies (makeup and nail polish may or may not be required). Check the hareline for the happy hour.

We also have annual theme costume hashes that are coed; these include Santa’s Sluts, Back to School Catholic School Girl hash, and the Playboy Easter Bunny hash. Also, around every Memorial Day weekend, we have also may do a pubcrawl or happy hour for Fleet Week. New ideas are always welcome.


Check the current schedule at:

Mailing List

Sign up for the group mailing list (women only!) to receive updates and current scheduling info:

Receding Hareline (Next 30 Days)

Never hashed? Wondering what this is all about? Click here…

Date/Time Start / Transit Info Subway/LIRR/Metro North/Path Hare(s)


Current Committee

US Marine Whore:

Tequila Whore:

Field of Creams:

Love Canal:

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