NYC Hash #1343
Sunday October 18, 2009
Hares: Fire-In-the-Piehole and Tittotaller
Start: 106th and Central Park West
On-In: Ding-Dong Lounge, Columbus Ave. bt w 105th & 106th St .
Scribe Doggie Erectus
The w eather w as a little cool as w e gathered by Central Park . The hares w ere still busy laying the best trail of the year. Why are w e w aiting??
Then w e w ere off on a mostly off-road trail in Central Park . We zigged and zagged all through Conservatory Garden . The trail took us past many attractions none of us had seen before. This might just have been the best trail of the year. Was it w orth the w aiting??
We ended up at the Ding-Dong Lounge for the On-In. It’s an interesting place w ith that about-to-fall-apart charm decorated w ith 80’s posters.
Then w e convened the circle.
A Little Dirty made Rupert from Germany come.
Banter from Japan made himself come. He sang us a nice song in Japanese too. At least w e think it w as nice, he could have been saying anything about us and w e w ouldn’t have kno w n.
Cockstar got a consolation Do w n-Do w n for injuring her hamstring and not being able to run the marathon.
Librarian Lisa got a Do w n-Do w n for taking the last t w o cookies. She should have drunk milk to go w ith them.
Doggie Erectus got a Do w n-Do w n for failing to identify the mystery beer our gnome-like bartender offered.
YankIT got a Do w n-Do w n for VeggiePizzaPhobia.
Eager for Beaver and 69-Do w n got a Do w n-Do w n for finally getting married. What w ere they w aiting for??
Eager for Beaver drank again from his shoe.
Fast American Dave got a Do w n-Do w n for an unkno w n offense and drank from the plunger.
But w as it the best trail of the year? It w as definitely w orth the w ait to hear Fire-In-the-Piehole and Tittotaller explain ho w the trail got laid w ith him taking his ball in his hand and her w hacking it w ith a tennis racket.