NYCH3 #1344

NYCH3 #1344  


Sunday October 25, 2009  


Hares: Doggie Erectus and Just Peter  


Start: 96th and Lexington  


On-In: Danny and Eddies, 1st Avenue between 85th and 86th 


Scribe: Just Brittany  


Ah, the last Sunday of Sober October.  It was a glorious day, perfect for a hash.  As a smallish pack gathered, waiting for our esteemed hares (who surely were laying a good trail, right?) to direct them to the trail and thus, to beer.  Post chalk-talk, the pack was sent on their way. 


How was the trail?  Well, your charming scribe is (a) injured and not r*nning at the moment and (b) has a surfeit of common sense and opted to bag hag instead of r*nning the trail.  However, judging by the reviews I solicited, which included “shitty”, “really shitty”, “confusing”, “what trail?”, and “certainly the best trail of the year,” I may have made the good choice.  Bonus points if you can guess which review came from the hares. 


The pack did eventually make it to the on-in, many with the help of the hotline.  Beer flowed, pizza was consumed, and our rituals of humiliation were commenced.  To the down-downs: 


Hares:  For laying an offensive trail. 


Virgins:  There were one or two. 


Visitors: Just one, War and Piece of Shit, originally from New York but currently hashing out of Seoul, South Korea.  It should be noted he has a very elaborate jacket displaying patches from all of his hashing adventures, and he opted to distribute some patches to the grateful and slightly confused pack. 


Basia: Left poor Yank It stranded.  So sad. 


Doggie Erectus: For providing a drink check that was, by most estimations, 100% vodka and 0% mixers.   


Gabe the Babe: This week’s FRB – with a bit of hotline help. 


War and Piece of Shit: Despite the website clearly stating a 3 pm start, and the hare/bag hag not leaving the start until 3:30, was still forced to run the trail with his massive backpack.  After drinking this down-down, he volunteered that he was wearing new shoes (a $7 Chinatown special) and drank out of those.   


AOTW: War and Piece of Shit, who nominated himself. 


Once the beer was out, so was I.   

   On out! 

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