January 11. 2015

Damn it was COLD.  The trail was great, well marked, easy to follow.  Eh… the arrows were TEEENY-TINY in the shadows of the street-lamps.  Apparently the hare set trail in the middle of the day when these arrows were in broad daylight.  We’ll forgive her since this was the first trail she set all by herself.
hare – sloppy thirds
visitor – pg six inch – from albequerque
what a cunt – for getting lost at the start, then again she lost her bag at the on-in (although,  not really, a lesson from my mother: LOOK UNDER THINGS)
whoremaster – whacking innocent bystander with giant haberdashery bag on subway
cheeky – stuffing one whole slice of pizza in mouth
visitor – hurdling a christmas tree on trail
just sam – now a hudson duster after hashing for 6 weeks
hare again – how many marks to be on?  Is it one, two… who knows….
spank the plank – blowing his nose in his brand new brooklyn H3 gloves
whoremaster – finally produced shirt he’s been talking about for 5 years
rack’n’rollher – eager’s knickerbocker hat – thought it was nyrr gear, not hash gear
drug bust  – personally took down the perpetrators in a gun fight over territory at a crack house in East New York while on trail and still made it in as FRB. (note taken by What A Cunt.)
whoremaster – random
drug bust, again – for false accusation on doggie erectus
on-in:  american cheeze, in windsor terrace, been here before.  We love the mini pizzas so that we have no idea how much we’ve had to eat by the end of the night.
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