NYCH3 # 1490
Hares – just assen; just Marie
Pre lube – house of brews
On in – mcswigans
This weekly episode of hashing was made possible by a scattered shower that wiped out the trail and had to be reset by our hares. It was short, quick and sweet with no drink check.
Down Downs were given out as follow :
Hares – just assen, just marie
Visitors – tbc ( two balls and a candle) ; ow my balls was called out for wearing tokyo haberdashery
butt sniffer; dog face was called out foe wearing a UK hash shirts
Virgins – left early – so sad
Gilden sacks – Ran into an occupied parked car
Pants on fire – ran past the on-in
Devo n conealingus – were in competition of who could mark the least pack marks
Fast american dave – left his sweaty clothes at last week’s hash, didn’t claim them ; rack n roller was called out because when one jm drinks they all jms drink
Eager for beaver – for posting on fb that his testicles were the size of basketballs
Eager for beaver (asshole of the week) – his glass was to heavy to lift, can only lift 12 oz or less
Ow my balls, gabe the babe, 1 tequila 2 tequila 3 tequila whore, cpa – technology in circle
Hardman – for drinking a small drink (smallest wine glass we have seen at a bar)