BH3 #625

Hare: Headlights
Start/On In: Shenanigans
The trail started and ended in a familiar spot as the pack went a short, 2 mile tour of Prospect Park South.  Weaving down to Cortelyou Rd and making its way back several twists and turns, the distance proved enough to whet everyone's appetite for Chef Headlights to flame broil her way through 30 burgers and an unnamed amount of dogs. 
Down Downs:
Pecker Wrecker Overachiever for running the loop of the park pre-trail
Piece of Slut/TF/Speedo: Birthdays
Piece of Slut: Ignoring his pregnant wife
DB: Do you have lube?
URine Trouble: Needing to pee before trail
Cumgenital Defect: Shortcutting the wrong way
Just Chris: Calling out "on one" after Cheeky called "on on" next to him
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