BH3 #624/NYCH3 #1488

Date: July 4, 2012
BH3 # 624
NYCH3 # 1488
Start/On-in: Peggy O'Neil's
Hares: Rack 'N Roll Her, Noah's Dinghy, Technically Foul
Scribe: Technically Foul

July 4th, American Independence Day.  A day when we gather together to enjoy some of America's greatest traditions – barbeque, beer, baseball, and stupidity.  By stupidity, I am of course referring to running around on one of the hottest days of the year, in the middle of the day, and then standing outside drinking in the sun for hours.  Stupidity, yes.  But also a damn good time.  On this July 4th, the BH3 and NYCH3 put aside their borough differences and combined forces in order to produce one kick-ass joint hash.  After enjoying a short run and drinking a lemonade and cachaca(how the hell do you pronounce that word?) cocktail on the beach, the pack gathered back at Peggy O'Neil's for beers, music, and eye candy (I am of course referring to the headbanging blonde man who rocked out to every song).  Despite the fact that the music raged on, circle was performed, as loudly and quickly as possible.

Down-downs were given to:
The Hares – Rack 'N Roll Her (who was conspicuously missing from circle, having remained at the beach to work on her skin cancer, er, tan), Noah's Dinghy, and yours truly
Three virgins! Jeff, Kerry, and Becca
The Visitors – Rude Yard and Hot 'N Juicy from Cairo, and some dude named Steve who said he was from Jersey – I'm not sure Steve paid Hash Cash….
Leaky Bladder – for exhibiting an excess of patriotism in his eagle mask (that thing looked fucking hot!)
Death Breast and Hot 'N Juicy – for shortcutting an already abbreviated trail
Fast American Dave, Conelingus, Just Marie, Pecker Wrecker, Lexi's Bitch, and Nads on Film for being overachieving bastards (morons?), having run earlier in the day
Free His Willy and Pimpy Longstocking – for wearing shiggy socks on an unbearably hot day
Rude Yard – for showing up so late to the start that he missed trail (what, not running trail is a crime these days?)
Just Marie for her bloody elbow (although I believe she forced her accuser to take her down-down)
Whoremaster – for reasons that were unclear to me, but hell, I'm just a JM
Rack 'N Roll Her also received her down-down when she returned from the beach, just as circle was ending.  Priorities!!
As the evening went on, some hashers participated in a hamburger eating contest (Lunch joined in to get a free meal), much beer was had, the band played on, and the Cyclones won.  Happy 4th!
Technically Foul
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