NYCH3 #1438

NYCH3 # 1438

August 3, 2011

Start: Drop Off Service (211 Avenue A)

On-In: Kings Head Tavern (14th and 2nd)

Hares: Devo and Just Karen

Scribe: Finger F**cked


The weather was not promising for this hash.  As I scurried down 14th street to the prelube, I noticed rain soaked sidewalks and ominous clouds – at least the heat would be broken, right?

A good crowd of hashers was gathered at the prelube, avoiding the rain and hydrating before the trail.  Devo and Just Karen told us that the trail was set after the rain started, so most of it should be there.  Not too promising!  The pack was off on a winding trail throughout the East Village, LES, and environs.  Surprisingly for a Devo trail, there were no major stairs or hills.  Maybe they were all on the eagle?

After a solid four miles, I came on the best mark in hashing – on in at the Kings Head tavern.  There was much beer and the back area pretty much to ourselves.  Drinks were poured and the circle was called.

And on to the down-downs:

Hares, for setting a shitty trail.  Good job guys!

Visitors and virgins, just because we like you.

Cody, for hurdling over some vagrants and getting quite the reaction.  By popular demand, he left named “BUM REACTION”

Bedmaster, for farting a lot.  Splat took this one for the team.

Crawlaholic, for wearing a shirt inside out.

Gretel and $2 Balls for committing a fashion faux pas and dressing as twins for the hash.  I wonder if they planned it in advance…

Just Juan was celebrating the anniversary of his birth.  You didn’t have anywhere better to go?

AOTW was Just Damien, for something I’m sure was horribly offensive.  Good job!


Pizza came, and then I was out.  On out!