NYCH3 #1418

NYCH3 #1418

Sunday, March 20, 2011, 3PM

Start: MacDougal St. & Minetta Lane

On-In: Triona’s, W. 3rd St. & Sullivan St.

Hare: Speedo Gonzalez

Scribe: Doggie Erectus

The prequel to this rµn was a combination of the overachieving, raceist NYC Half with the underachieving, stumbling NYC Hash Pub Crawl.  The former was ably led by the New York Road Runners.  And the latter was wobbly led by Trips & Balls and Wet Willy:

NYC Half Pub Crawl, Special #63

Start: Fiddlesticks, Greenwich Ave, 12PM

Bar 2: The Village Tavern, Leroy & Bedford Sts.

Bar 3: The Slaughtered Lamb, W. 4th & Jones Sts.

Bar 4: MacDougal St. Ale House, MacDougal & Minetta Sts. (Start of the Hash)

Bar 5: Triona’s, W. 3rd & Sullivan Sts. (On-In)

The non-crawling hashers caught up with the crawl-in-progress at the MacDougal St. Ale House and took off rµnning.  By 4, the crawlers were at Triona’s playing pool and hardly noticed as the pack started to trickle in.  So we acted all nonchalant and hurried to catch up to the already inebriated crawlers.

After the beer distribution was sufficiently evened out we convened the circle and gave out Down-Downs:

The Hare: Speedo Gonzalez

Virgin: Camille, who narrowly escaped being sacrificed when she hashed before, but she made up for it today

Visitors: Goat Throat & Poultry Fµ¢λer

Goat Throat got another for his stylish 1960’s luggage and showed us how he earned his name.  Those goats can really drink!

Fast American Dave for wearing three different r@ce shirts

Just Marie for knocking over a street vendor’s collection of cassettes

Rack-N-Roller for getting caught with a fake ID and thrown out of the pub crawl

Four Wheel Drive for getting carded too

Dr. Bruce & Just Dave for their birthdays

Just Marie, Dr. Bruce, Just Dave & Goat Throat for rµnning the NYC Half

Mean Jean for introducing herself as "Jean, Mean Jean" and then proving she deserves her name by banging on the bathroom door as  some stranger was peeing and saying "Hurry up hasher!"

Trips & Balls and Wet Willy for haring the pub crawl

We had made ourselves right at home in the second room of the bar and there were bags and pizza boxes everywhere.  Hummer realized she had lost her phone somewhere in all the mess and had half the bar looking for it.  I noticed it stuffed down her back pocket and had the pleasure of helping her get it…On-Out!

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