NYCH3 #1387

NYCH3 #1387

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Start: Middle of Columbus Circle

On-In: Bourbon St. 80th & Amsterdam

Hares: Splat & 4WD

Scribe: Doggie Erectus

We gathered in the middle of Columbus Circle until a cross hare fixed us with his stare and told us to move over there.  So we did and had a chalk talk where we were promised ice cream on trail!  Needless to say, we were off in a hurry to find such a nice treat.  We did find it in Central Park.  And then as the pack moved away, the clouds opened up and a rainbow appeared.  It was like a message from God, more ice cream checks!

The ice cream didn’t slow us down as much as beer does, so we arrived at the On-In in no time.  The JM’s wasted no time and convened the circle and gave out the down-downs:

The Hares: Splat & 4WD

Visitors & virgins

Donner Kebab & 4WD for accosting the wrong running group and corrupting them with offers of alcohol

Vibram 5-Finger wearers: 4 of them!

Rich for getting Paul lost

Paul for being too polite on trail

Dan & a Virgin for looking like time warp twins

Mr. & Mrs. Pussy in Boots for their honeymoon hash

Trips & Balls for complaining that it was like 5 minutes long, whatever "it" is

The On-In was great and the beer made a pleasant churning in my belly with all the ice cream.


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