NYCH3 #1381
July 7, 2010
Start: McKenna’s, 14th St btw 7th & 8th Ave
Hares: Speedo Gonzalez & Technically Foul (Birthday Twins)
On-In: Triona’s, 3rd & Sullivan St
Scribe: Doggie Erectus
We gathered at McKenna’s on one of the hottest days of the year. Maybe it was my liquid courage telling me that the temperature had dropped a few degrees, but after a few blocks, the only liquid I saw was sweat. It was so hot that your humble narrator stripped off his shirt on trail. Sorry you missed it ladies, but you got something almost as good when Dan Bartos got dressed up at the charity auction a few days later.
After an extended cool down, Mean Jean, Tit Totaller & Fire in the Piehole convened the circle and punished the following wankers with Down-Downs:
The Virgins: Nadia & Jennifer
Eager for Beaver for following the wrong marks
Devo for winning the hash
Amalea for pirouetting on trail
Dan Bartos for auctioning himself to the highest bidder
Joe "The Plumber" Pennsylvania got a$$hole of the week for a$$ crack on trail. He should have saved it for the auction; we all would have paid good money to make it go away!
I was told by two married men from out of town that were busily hitting on a not-so-innocent bystander that Triona herself served us that night. She did a helluva job. And when the beer was out, so was I.
On Out!