NYCH3 #1331


NYCH3 #1331


Aug 5, 2009 – 1st Anniversary of Brittany & Ow, My Balls! Losing their


 virginity together


Hare: Just Brittany & Ow, My Balls!


Start: Madison Square Park, Southwest Corner


On In: No Idea 20th Street btwn Park & Broadway



Scribe: First Class Semen



   The pack assembled at the Southwest corner of Madison Square Park, waiting in anticipation for what our hares had in store for us for the evening.  For a moment, I considered ditching the r*n & getting some grub at Shake Shack instead, but the line was wrapped practically all around the park.  A tour group tried to infiltrate the growing group of hashers on the corner to talk about some statue in which our hash mark was placed in front – they wised up and moved along when they figured out they were outnumbered.  


 Chalk talk began and it became clear that there were more Virgins then non-Virgins – probably why I had such a problem handing out chalk – no one knew what to do with it.  Ow, My Balls! gave a great talk whilst Brittany demonstrated the chalk marks Vanna White style.      The trail started by taking the pack straight through the park thus disturbing the crowd listening to some smooth jazz concert (nice touch).  Then we began heading south down Madison Ave and turned at some point to head east across town.  The avenues were flying by & the virgins were clamoring to stick together, running lights – cutting corners, you name it. 

We made it into Sty Town past the fake split now marked as false (thank you FRB’s) & by some roller hockey rink, ran across some soggy, muddy grass & were headed south down Avenue A.  At some point we started west on 13th Street…I was tempted to stop at

Momofuku Milk bar for one of those cookies, but decided to stay with the pack – Pizza & Beer were waiting. 

The pack continued cross-town on 13th and at some point started heading North on 7th Ave.  We passed the Container Store & some of

the Harrierettes around me became distracted by the shiny things in the windows and after a conversation about crap we don’t need we realized we hadn’t seen a check in some time and had to backtrack.  We got back on trail at 20th; cutting across town to be greeted with the

 BVN & BVVN (I swear!) signs to end up at No Idea.  


Now for the down downs:    


1)     Brittany & Ow, My Balls! – For being the hare & stealing the same start and On-In as Splat a few weeks back.  


 2)     Visitors & Virgins!  Wow there were a lot of Virgins!  We had three Visitors – two from Cyprus – Dingbat & Hotdog (Dad & daughter) and Epicenter Butt from Miami.  


3)     Brittany & Ow, My Balls! – For random flour spots & double marking with flour & chalk.  


4)     Virgin Carey – For wearing headphones on trail (we know it is a bit cruel to do that to a Virgin, but rules are rules & it was a slow news night.)  


5)     Just Sean – For bringing the Red F-ing toolbox   


6)     Bryce – For moving away for awhile & this being his last hash.  


7)     Our Visitor’s from Cyprus!  Dingbat & Hotdog – Apparently hotdog had some snazzy new shoes.  Since she may have not been of legal drinking age in the US, Dingbat Dad was a trooper & guzzled a beer from his shoe.  


8)     Bill – for giving the hares a soaked, sweaty $20.   


 When I left it appeared that the beer may have outlasted the group.    Nice.      On out!  

First Class Semen