NYCH3 # 1329


NYCH3 #1329

July 22, 2009

Hare: Fire in the Piehole, Tit-totaller, with an assist from Noah’s Dingy

Start: Central Park South @ 6th Avenue

On In: Bourbon Street, 78th and Amsterdam

Scribe: Just Brittany


Hot town, summer in the city.


On a steamy July night, a pack of hashers gathered at the southern end of Central Park to see what kind of trail was in store for them this evening.  Tonight had all the hallmarks of a potential disaster, including a last minute hare replacement and residual sogginess from rain earlier in the week.  Virgins attentively listened to the chalk talk while the experienced hashers among us tried to avoid getting a piece of chalk.  Not that it mattered, when we were told the trail was set entirely in flour and chalk (thanks for the clarification) and wished luck before we were sent off like obnoxious children at a waterpark.


Off we were into Central Park, and proceeded to get hopelessly lost at the first check.  After a good 10 minutes of hashers following anybody wearing running clothes, we were back on trail, and received the scenic tour of central park, including lots of woods, grass, and some mountain climbing on the west side.  Eventually we escaped our verdant prison and made a zig zagging path to the site of the evening’s entertainment, Bourbon Street.

Much pizza and beer was enjoyed by the hashers, and the locals were wondering who the hell invaded their bar and when we would all leave.

Down Downs:

Hillary- the intended hare for the evening, Spermatologist, was unable to set trail.  Hillary seemed like a good stand in.

Hares- for a trail with not nearly enough shiggy

Virgins – it’s summer, we had a few

Semi-Virgins – despite their newfound expertise in hashing, Bryce and Arlena managed to get terribly confused by double arrows and flour.  Perhaps chalk talks are warranted for the first three runs?

Peter K – committing the sin of shiny new shoes.  Now instead of that new shoe smell, they have the cheap beer smell!

Abe – being a fashion diva, and only wanting haberdashery that would go with his red shoes

FMIG – has the honor of being AOTW for being less than a friendly running companion to one of the virgins.

Your scribe decided to leave at 11, which turned out to be a good choice.  Rumor has there was dancing after I left, and let’s be honest, nobody needs to see me dance. 

On out!

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