Start: Metropolitan and Union
On-In: Duff’s
Hare: Wet Connection
Scribe: Trader Blows
How does the Brooklyn Hash celebrate the second day of the summer? With rain of course! Considering it has been raining pretty much every day of the last month, it is not surprising that roughly
30 hashers gathered at the start under a light mist. After Wet Connection’s chalk talk, we were off! The trail took us through Williamsburg to McCarren park, then off to Greenpoint. After a few checks, we ended up back on Bedford, to hipsters’ puzzled looks (Hey! not everyone wakes up at 3PM) A few confusing checks (pack marks with question parks) later, we ended up at the on-in in South Williamsburg.
The down downs were administered by Headlights and yours truly as follows:
Hare: Wet Connection – Hymn to the hare…
Visitors: Candy Stripper, Just Lisa, and Just Hector – Here’s to Brother/Sister Hasher…
Virgins: there were 3. Legal in Some States made 2 of them come. Here’s to the Virgins
Eva: for not running and coming to the on-in wearing pajama pants – BIMBO
Legal in some states: for not knowing what a Coney Island whitefish was – Milk on a hard on… ice cream!
Birthdays: Hector, Fluffy, Blackout – Happy birthday…
Scratch n’ Sniff: for coming in and pinching the nipples of a naked girl’s picture by the door, which resulted in her being renamed Twisted Nipple. – Twisted Nipple is a horse’s ass…
Dogface: Originally brought into the circle for new shoes, he quickly pointed out that they were not new. Seconds before we had to do down downs for false accusations, a JM from a neighboring borough, Trips n’ Balls pointed out that she was approached by Dogface to point out a trail offense, forgetting that he is in Brooklyn – What a wank…
Screaming-O administered the Angry Brit down down to a virgin (Allie?) for wanting to "win" the hash and to her newly renamed friend Twisted Nipple for not telling her the rules of the hash – They oughta be…
Wet Connection: for writing the wrong address of the On-In at the start and for not setting the hotline. Hedgehog accepted a down down in her absence – Asshole… asshole
Smashmouth award for biting it on trail to Steve (and by association to Eva)… administered by Hedgehog
After the circle, the pizza was great and hash cash lasted for a long time ($1 PBRs!). Conversations deteriorated to discussing 70’s pubic hair and Headlights’ encounter with a Hassidic jew at the On-In.