BH3 # 436

Brooklyn Hash House Harriers

December 1, 2008/Run #436

Hares: Noah’s Dinghy and US Marine Whore

On In: Bar Ellis

Scribe: Blackout


I arrived at the York Street subway entrance that December evening to find 20 or so Brooklyn hashers huddled under the station eaves…I worried that it was hailing, sleeting, or some other form of ugly precipitation.  Not at all, it turned out, just some strange herding behavior of the BH3 apparently…


Shortly thereafter, Noah’s Dinghy gathered the pack around for the chalk talk.  He pointed to his lawyer-ish attire, and said something about an easy, short trail.  Looking back in hindsight, I’m frankly surprised that at this point he wasn’t struck down by a bolt of lightning, as we were soon to find out the trail was very much neither.


The trail started its way through DUMBO to the first check under the Brooklyn Bridge.  After a bit of wandering around (which would be a sign of every check that night), the pack took off on true trail toward Brooklyn Heights.  The trail next traversed the Promenade, then south to Cobble Hill and Carroll Gardens.  Another pesky check at Carroll Park slowed everyone down until we found marks heading west, across the lovely Carroll Street Bridge (well, lovely except for the fact that it’s bridging the Gowanus Canal).  At Fourth Avenue, a check slowed everyone down except Fast American Dave for another long while, until further searching found the trail heading uphill into Park Slope.  More highlights of the ‘short’ trail included a long traverse through the 7th Ave F train station, a long jaunt south down 7th and 8th Avenues to the Prospect Expressway, a bit through a park next to said expressway, and a poorly marked circle jerk thankfully solved by F.A.D. before anyone else got sucked in.  At long last, an hour or more after starting, we made it to the on-in, Bar Ellis, last seen at an AGM pub crawl with free beer (yes, Margaret, free beer).


Despite any trailish shortcomings, there were lots of tasty beer selections to be had at the bar, quickly cheering up the pack.  Eventually there was a circle (more in a moment), and then tasty non-pizza like food was consumed: nachos, wings, and very very good chili.


Circle contained the following:

– Hares made to drink for outlandishly long trail

– A visitor from San Diego

– FMIG and Fast American Dave for falling on trail

– Eager4Beaver for whining

– Random abuse of power award given by Angry Brit DBB went to hares for among other reasons passing by the residence of a BH3 Old One

– Fluffy and Headlights for the former’s pawning off of trail duties to the latter, and Headlights again for a hat in circle

– Phil for a pre-hash warmup r*n

– Marios for missing an earlier hare-ing due to a drinking related hospital visit

– Colin had shiny new shoes from which he received a drink

– Colin also received a name…said hasher was wearing a rather revealing pair of running shorts, and will forever be known as Jock Full O’ Nuts (he completed his night by leaving wearing a trenchcoat over the running getup, looking suspiciously like a flasher)


Hash cash ran out eventually, though lingering hashers could continue to imbibe with the same good deal as before.  I left with a small group of hashers, where some minor hijinks (possibly showtune-singing, public urination) ensued before all caught their respective trains home.

