NYCH3 #1251 – Super Bowl

Super Bowl Hash
February 3, 2008
Start/On-in: Trish Hoffman’s 622 E 97th
Hare: Seth (also co-host Ed Lynch)
Scribe: Blackout

A momentous day for Giants fans also had a hash.

About 3 or so hours before game time (and about 3 hours into the interminable pre-game), a smallish group of hashers met at Trish’s house for the regular (8th or 9th annual) Super Bowl Hash.  After some pre-hash socializing, which included watching the Puppy Bowl (clips from last year perhaps?), Lunch arrived in the Lunchmobile, full of chili and extremely cheap beer which we carted up to the apartment.  Eventually the crowd regrouped on the street below, and the trail immediately headed to the East River.  It then proceeded south for a long time, where a first check and subsequent backcheck led to a strung out pack.  A second check in the east side brought the pack right back together however, as every conceivable way was checked to no avail, when at last a trail was found.  The trail then went into Central Park, and managed to find some good off-pavement bits, when it was seen…you see the marks were often widely spaced, and were bluish and faint to boot.  After a trek around some of the reservoir, many of the pack decided to call it a day and head back to the known on-in.  A few hardly souls attempted to follow the trail in its entirety, however, and continued rather blindly.  After some extra looping, a mark was finally seen leaving the park at E 90th.  As far as I know, no more marks were ever found, and the rest of the pack slunk back to Trish’s, where the crowd socialized at the base of the building for a while, at one point with a group of women with better beer than Lunch’s swill who were heading upstairs to their own party.

The group slowly trickled upstairs, where beer and chips were consumed.  The best seats in front of the giant flat-screen TV were quickly scooped up, not sure why since it was still 100 or so minutes before game time.
Eventually a circle was had.  Being rather short-handed, yours truly with assistant Doggy Style had to lead the circle.  First up was the hare Seth, he of the trail that was reportedly amazingly similar to last years’.  Next were the hosts, Trish and Lunch.  Ed got a second down-down for having cheaper beer and uglier looks than the neighbor girls.  Gillian and Leigh were next for ditching the trail and getting Starbucks coffees, even being so bold as to stroll into the on-in with the coffees in hand.  During the shiggy bits of trail, or perhaps the muddy reservoir track, a number of hashers managed to get their lower extremities covered in mud, so those folks were brought up.  Having participated in the morning’s NYRR event, Doggy Style, Dr. Bruce, and David Byron-Brown were given down-downs for racism.  DBB was sent up again, as a bystander reported a group of kids on trail exclaiming in this direction “Look at the smelly old guy!”  Dr. Bruce also got a drink out of his shiny new shoes.  Lastly, AOTW went to Lunch, for torturing everyone with god-awful swill masquerading as beer.

At this point, attention returned to the television, where more pre-game events, or Puppy Bowl, could be seen.  The food was also served, and the good quality of Lunch’s chili and the rest nearly made up for the awful beer he brought.  Nearly.

Shortly thereafter, I left the friendly confines of the UES to watch the Super Bowl close to home…I’m sure a good time was had by all, well except for Patriot fans there at the end.  Super Bowl ads this year were considered mediocre by some, though I thought quite a few were decent.  My personal favorite was the mouse plunging through the mouse hole and beating up the guy waiting by the mousetrap.  As this is being written weeks after said event, I can’t honestly recall many other commercials…in fact I couldn’t tell you the brand associated with the mouse commercial (Acme mousetraps?  Cheese lobby?).  Actually, in this amazing era of YouTube, I present a related link that is definitely a cheese growers ad: (that is, if anyone actually bothers to go home and find this link).


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