NYCH3 #1250

NYCH3 #1250
January 27, 2008
Hares: Lauren and Jumpin’ Jack Gash
Start: 181st and Ft. Washington Ave.
On-In: Keenan’s (Broadway and 204th)
Scribe: Bottom

Lauren is short.  Her trail was short too. It was a conspiracy.

It started on a corner by a Starbucks. Lots of people couldn’t find it (the corner, not starbucks).

Those of us who found the corner also found the Starbucks. We stood on the corner looking at each other and thinking ‘do I really hang out with these people? Why?’ Those of us who could think of things to talk about with other people talked. The rest of us stretched to fill the silence.  This is generally accepted hashing protocol. If you can’t think or anything to say or anyone to talk to (or you can’t match the things you DO have to say to the people that are there) then it is perfectly acceptable to put your ass up in the air. No one will hold it against you. I know–its strange.

So we talked or stretched and then we ran up a hil. And down a hill. And up a hill. And, well, you get the picture. Its Innwood. The trail had a lot of altitude at points. Lauren does not have much altitude. But I digress. We ran into Fort Tryon Park. And up the hill and down the hill.

And then we ran by Lauren’s house. Her house is conveniently located near Cumming street and Seaman St. And she’s short. But I think we mentioned that.

So the second time we ran by her house there were people there handing out hot chocolate and Schnopps. Tall people gave us drinks. And Lauren was there too.

So we ran up Seaman and down Cumming up the hill and down the hill. And up the hill and, well, you get the picture. And when we ran by this bar this guy said ‘hey are you the running group? You should come in here!’ So we did. And we stopped running. And we looked at each other and said ‘that was short’. And I thought ‘Lauren is short too.’

And then we drank. And no one put their butt up in the air.  And no one stretched. And some people thought ‘what am I doing with these people?’ In between drinks. And some people thought ‘that was short’ and I thought ‘ Lauren is short too. Just like this write-up.


Joint Masters
Eager for Beaver        718 522 5090 (c)
Jumpin’ Jack Gash            917 566 2423 (c)
Religious Advisor
FMIG        917 482 4401 (c)
Blackout        646 508 4314 (c)
Hash Cash
Fire-in-the-Piehole    203 918 8853 (c)
Hare Raiser
Keep My Clothes On Lauren        978 985 8870 (c)
Hot Rod        917 660 4709 (c)
Trail Master
Joey Pennsylvania            914 589 5103 (c)
Hash Fluffer
Doggystyle        917 545 8077 (c)
Web Masters
Danny Choriki        917 754 1004 (c)
Flaccido Domingo            917 620 3299 (c)