Brooklyn Hash House Harriers
Run #355 Memorial Day Picnic Hash
May 29, 2005
Hare: FMIG
Grill Hare: Ass Glider
Beer, Food & Beer Hares: Fluffy and The Saint.
Limo Assistance: Whoremaster
On In: Prospect Park Long Meadow
Scribe: The Saint
Picnic With Friends
The day broke clear and warm, a perfect day for a swim (your scribe was up before dawn for a Hudson dip), a run, a Hash, copious consumption of beer, and/or a picnic with the enlightened masses in Brooklyn. The inspiration came from FMIG’s solicitation of possible venues ranging from the Park, to his roof (Oh Shit opined be might be pitched off or was that someone else’s suggestion?) to a usual Brooklyn pub. The Park had it by a landslide and a group of louts enlisted to support this effort. The day brought out a larger group than Brooklyn normally sees, 30+, although it certainly could have been a grander pack had some Manhattan hashers made the effort especially given the sun.
The Run
Went around and around the park and according to those interviewed it was not a bad effort, a good one actually, so FMIG moves into the good trail column although I must remind you dear readers of the Attaboy-Aw Shit! Hash Ratio which many of you will recognize from the other real world as 100 Attaboys = 1 Aw Shit!. The meaning here is that FMIG will need to continue his good trail tally to reverse impressions of past abominations.
The Park
A good time was had by all even Lauren who came and was doused w/ beer by a then out-of-control hare. The pack stayed late till nary am Italian sausage was left and the beer was warming before they set off for continued conspicuous consumption. Don’t ask how many trips said Beer-Food-Beer hares had to make, but it was an ongoing and outstanding effort. Thanks to the enlistees who made the trek to refurbish the beer inventory. Someone brought a Danish home brew of vodka and some sort of aromatic berry concoction that a few drank, but I’ve not seen any of them again and who knows whether that was the cause.
The hares; a bunch of virgins & visitors; your scribe for over-running the trail in reverse due to poor pack-marking; Salty for a forgotten offense (remind me and we’ll reprise it as what’s a Hash w/o her usual offenses?); Fluffy for re-grilling meat off the ground, Stewa (note the correct spelling) for smash-mouthing it and for being themselves; and finally Karen and her friend for imitating Stewa in the PDA category. They might make the friendlies in the park we witnessed envious.
On Out
The Saint