BH3 #270

Brooklyn Hash House Harriers

March 17, 2003

Run #270

On In: Chez Byron

Hare: St. David Byron-Brown

The Green Trash St. Patty’s Day Hash

Scribe: The Saint


Twas one month ago that the BH3 met at the same start location, Grand Army Plaza (GAP) but this time hash clothing ranged from singlets to tights (for those sans tan) as a warn respite came to New York.  The earlier hash featured a blizzard and “run” to a nearby pub announced to all (3 or 4) promptly at the start.  Two weeks ago hashers hid in the subway – no not because of a bomb threat – they were a tad chilly. Now shorts!

Sacre Merde!


On this official St. Patty’s Day 2003, a large group assembled likely drawn by the prospect of Saint Byron celebrating on his day.  He appropriately named this the Green “Trash” hash and blurted out something at the start about a green theme, which he either could not recall or didn’t want to discuss.  Hashers by nature are curious types and we were all stunned by this reluctance.  This was, of course, quickly disipated by his instructions to get on with it and Hash!


Now this writer is trying to learn where in hell we run in this populous borough so an attempt to add greater descriptions of each run will be consciously made to this fortnightly rant.  Not that anyone has complained about this scrawl, but self-evaluation suggests more description is indicated.  A problem is that most of the terrain is terrain – streets in which we go right or left but as they say, that’s life in the big city.


This run took us from GAP to Downtown Brooklyn to Green Park to Park Slope. The Park – Green Park — get it as it WAS the mysterious B squared theme.  Perchance next time we might spend more time developing the theme.


Unfortunately or not the end run was apparent to old layovers on B squared’s runs – watch out for Daisy!  So a few knew where in hell we were going or at least when the end was near.  In any case a very nice effort and wonderful hospitality.


We will note that the ratings below are new highs from this scribe and Ewa as well – there’s no place like home provided beer is endless, pizza is around and there is an attentive large dog who likes to play.



Unbiased, Vociferous On In Ratings*

Chez Saint Byron-Brown

Mar 17, 2003


                                    EWA (In Person!)                                            The Saint


Ambience                       5                                                                           5

Beer Selection             2.5 (No Stella!)                                            3

Beer Pricing                  5                                                                             5

Local Color                    5                                                                           5

Smoke                           1 (None!)                                                              5

Food                              3 (Too many cards!)                                              4

Totals                          3.58333                                                                 4.5                                          


*Categories are self-explanatory unless you’re dim.  Ratings are the sole province of the writer and if you don’t agree, you don’t agree.


Geoff didn’t show again and his empirical presence was again missed although there was little to do given the botttlemetric nature of the fluids.   We do seek his return for the smoke-free brave new world we will encounter beginning at the next BH3.  Perhaps if there is a problem he can speak with his good buddy, Hiz Honor!   We would suggest severe wacking of pee-pees for those crossing the line.


Down Downs were given to the Hare and those of us of Irish or semi-Irish descent or having Irish relatives including your Saint having on one side an old favorite Uncle Mac – from Brooklyn no less.



On Out!


The Saint