NYCH3 #1099
Start: St. Andrew’s (
Hares: Mean Jean and Legs Lesley
On-in: MJ Armstrong’s
Scribe: Cockstar
April 6th is Tart (an) Naked Day, depending on what Jean is wearing and who chooses to drop trou at the bar. Here are some random facts about Tartan Day and their hash equivalents:
Numerous groups and societies throughout
Numerous r*nners throughout the world have taken Wednesdays and Sundays as their weekly day to r*n for beer.
Before the Declaration of
Before the hash was created in
Many locations in
On the New York Hash we have many people with the same name: (6) Daves, (3) Karens, (5) Jo(h)ns and (3) Bobs.
There are many societies in America, such as the St Andrew’s Society – named after the patron saint of Scotland, that attempt to retain aspects of Scottish culture and heritage.
There is also a bar, located at 44th between 6th and 7th Avenues, where we gathered last Sunday to get our drink on before r*nning
Popular Scottish sports, such as golf and curling, were imported to
Curling (the 12 oz kind) and hurling (as in puking) are both popular sports on the hash.
Whisky is the national drink of
Beer is the universal drink of hashers and none can surpass it for calories and alcohol content, which is why true hashers will always insist upon it.
Central to life at the time of mass immigration to the
Central to hash life is the Circle (hash word for public humiliation, beer chugging and horrific singing). When the hash moved from
There were three distinctive groups of peoples of Scottish ancestry that emigrated to
There are three distinctive types of people who will gravitate towards the hash: FRBs, drunks and MAJOR drunks.
OK. Enough with the trivia and let’s get the down low on what went down or who got down or who went down on whom Sunday.
At the Start/Bar
Early arrivals: me, Mean Jean, Lesley, HUA, Pussy Repellent, Charlotte, Chad, Fuck Me I’m Gay, Jon, Jumpin’ Jack Gash and his Very young nephew Ben, Kerry, Bruce, Scottish Andrew and what looked suspiciously like a convention of Devos (w/dates).
Later Arrivals: Peter, Marie, Meat Balls, Dr. Debbie, Devo, Caroline, Nail Driver, Dave Long, Rob, Marit and Patrick.
Late Arrivals: Wet Connection and Dave Hardy.
Really Late: Got Wood(?).
Pathetically late: MasterCard (one and a half hours into the on-in).
Having set trail in proper r*nning attire, the Scottish hares ordered their pints first before buggering off to the loo to change clothing. Five minutes later they were back at the bar, donning matching Wee Jimmy hats and variations on Scottish plaid. Lesley chose a green and blue mini-kilt, equipped with a very large and menacing pin, whilst Mean Jean opted for a tarty red/black/green plaid, the meaning of which she explained was contained in her book of plaids.
Trail, I hear, went west through the northern part of
Not the usual fare there: quesadillas, chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks and (surprise?) authentic Scottish meat pie thingies. The usual suspects sauntered up to the juke box to select what would turn into “Drunk Hashers Dancing Like Chad” – in case you don’t know the move is akin to the white man’s overbite coupled with lots of fist pumping. There were the usual hash complaints about too little food and the GOAN FUCK YERSELF response form the hares. The Circle was called:
Mean Jean and Lesley as the hares, brought a Scottish flag with them. They drank again for bringing shite Scottish weather with them as well and again for a third time for two Wee Jimmy hat offenses. Virgins: Caroline (girlfriend of Devo), Jeremy, Sabrina and Anga. The Devo Convention (Devos 1-3; sounds a little like a bunch of men I’ve dated) was called up for the brotherhood. Someone was overheard yelling: “Don’t ANY of you wear contacts?” Original Devo remained for yet another for the punishable offense of wearing a purported Scottish kilt. In reality the “kilt” was more likely Caroline’s plaid skirt. Well, when one person wearing Scottish garb drinks, they all drink (HUA, Bruce, Peter & Kyle).
Random riddle:
How many pairs of new shoes does it take Wet Connection to understand that if she wears them, she’s going to drink beer out of them?*
Visitor Christophe, who lives in
AOW went to the new guy who wore the
*We’re still counting.