Category: Uncategorised

  • Ancient NYCH3 writeups

    New York City Hash Writeups Date Run No. Start and Finish Hare Scribe 4/28/02 936 Start: On-In: Cannons Alice and Geoff Heather Malloy 4/21/02 935 Start:On-In: Westside Brewery Bahamonde and Diane Heather Malloy 4/14/02 934 Start: GPO 10001On-In: 37th and 3rd Crusty and Jesse Heather Malloy 3/10/02 929 Start: Port Authority Bus TerminalOn-In: Collins Bar…

  • HashPubs


    Hash House Harrier Publication Associations A1 Hash House Harriers (H3 Web Ring) [ Join Now | Ring Hub | Random&ln;&ln; Prev | Next &gn;&gn; ]

  • Other Activies

    Hashers often do things other than hash. Like drink without running.

  • Early True Lies of the HOPS

    The True Lies of the HOPS HOPS #29: November 16, 2002 Much beer was consumed. I repeat, much beer was consumed.And Hoffman (OD) brought much stickies. It was like being there when Sting realized he could have any girl in the world. Or when orders came into Hershey’s, and the pavement pounding could stop. Like…

  • Hash OutPlacement Society

    Hash OutPlacement Society

    The HOPS was started by NYC hashers (Hashnyc) Christine and Danny who obviously had way too much time on their hands, as an effort to help other hashers with way too much time on their hands. In the beginning it was a hearth of homeliness for those in need of drink and sympathy. But like…

  • NYC Hash House Harriettes

    NYC Hash House Harriettes

    New York City Hash House Harriettes Description This is the female hash founded by Elaine Kerr & Michele Thompson in 9 Feb 1999. On the second Thursday of every month, we have either a girls-only hash or happy hour. The hashes work the same way as every other hash ($20 hash cash, trail to a…

  • About Queens Hash

    History of the Queens Hash House Harriers The need for a Queens Hash has been discussed intermittantly over the past few years. Queens has been the locus for a number of NYCH3 Sunday runs, especially the area of Flushing Meadow Park. With the founding of the Brooklyn Hash in 1993, about half the Queens residents…

  • Queens Hash House Harriers

    Queens Hash House Harriers

    The Queens Hash House Harriers Description Founded in 1996. According to the historical archives, the Queens Hash started on April 1st. Strangely appropriate. Schedule Runs every four weeks on a Monday evening starting at 7:00 pm. See schedule for dates. Mis-Management (Current) Joint Masters The Body (David Croft)212-650-9525Email: dcroft at Hare Raiser Smashmouth (David…

  • About New York City Hash

    About New York City Hash

    New York City Hash House Harriers History In the best Hash tradition, accounts of the NYCH3’s founding are generally misleading, incomplete, or wrong. The 500th Run Commemorative Newsletter history names the wrong founders, misspells their names, and leaves out a number of early officers. So to get the story straight, I consulted directly with Lee…

  • New York City Hash Mis-Management

    New York City Hash Mis-Management

    The New York City Hash House Harriers Description Founded in the Spring of 1984. Schedule The New York City Hash meets every Wednesday evening at 7PM during the summer and every Sunday afternoon at 3PM during the winter. Special events include the Red Dress Run and the Marathon Hash Weekend. The Annual General Meeting is…

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