NYCH3 #1390

NYCH3 #1390
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Start: Central Park South and Sixth Avenue
Hare: Jumpin’ Jack Gash
On-In: Bunga’s Den (14th bet 6th and 7th)
Scribe: Just Anuj
With a few more days still left in this summer season, the hashers tried to make the most of it by gathering around the José Martí statue at the southern end of Central Park. Yes, it was time for yet another r*n! The Labor Day weekend may have come and gone, but that did not mean the fun had to stop – not for this bunch. A few members of the pack were concerned that this was going to be another tiring r*n through the hilly terrain of the park. If this is news, we do not all like r*nning through the park – we live in the city for a reason. 
All concerns aside, a quick chalk talk for the single virgin and we were off. We were told by the hare that the trail was roughly five miles long. The pack made its way into the park, but the trail quickly led the group out and down Sixth Avenue. Some of us were relieved that we weren’t going to be r*nning through the park, while others were seriously disappointed. A select few broke off the pack at the beginning of the r*n and decided to do their own thing. Perhaps they knew something we did not, or did they? In either case they missed a pretty interesting r*n with the rest of the pack. The trail led us through buildings and parking lots, some of which were open and others were not. A closed parking lot or the occasional angry security personnel encountered en route weren’t going to crush the spirits of this group – on-on we went! We ran through the buildings and around them, pushing on doors that were locked and the ones that weren’t. Surprisingly, it took some of us more tries to find the open door than the total number of doors available – there’s an interesting math problem in there somewhere. Checks were solved, shortcuts were made, and the pack arrived at the on-in for some ice cold water, beer, pizza and the usual debauchery.
The circle was called and the following down downs were awarded:
The Hare: Jumpin’ Jack Gash
Visitor: James (Silver Fox)
Virgin: Margo
Jumpin’ Jack Gash: walking 5.5 miles setting the trail
Bulldozer: Confronted with 3 doors on trail, it took him 4 tries to find the unlocked one
Fireman Tim & Eager for Beaver: for running straight to Flannery’s
Lynn, Margo, Splat & Anuj: for wearing matching BBQ T-shirts
Technically Foul: Strange man liked her feet, AND her toes
Jews: Rosh Hashanah
Asshole of the week went to: Fast American Dave for making false accusations (not sure which)
At 11 pm there was still some pizza and beer left, but there were hardly any takers. Most of the pack was out, so I decided to call it a night.
-Just Anuj
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