BH3 #529, TdB #12
August 30, 2010
Hares: Barnacle & FMIG
Start: A/C High Street Station
On-In: The Gibson, Williamsburg
Scribe: Just Rabi
For the last leg of the 2010 Tour de Brooklyn, we gathered suspiciously near the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge. A pre-trail introduction to Remy and his documentary camera – “if you don’t want to be on film, just let me know and I’ll take a picture of you” – lent a bit of mystery to the proceedings, but once the first check turned us into the path of camera-wielding tourist hordes and cranky cyclists, the only question left was whether we’d re-cross the East River on a red bridge or a blue one.
We dutifully followed the trail past the halls of justice, across the Manhattan Bridge onramp, through the line of people waiting to get on the Chinatown bus, and onto the Williamsburg Bridge by dusk. As usual it was much more pleasant to be running towards Brooklyn than away from it, not least because there was room to move without accidentally kicking people. Back in our home borough, having run nearly 3 of the promised 5.5 miles on straightaways, we did the east-west switchback for a little while before landing at the foot of McCarren Park. Some locals tried to steer us the wrong way, or maybe they were just confused about the difference between right and left, but it would take more than
In the backyard of the Gibson, haberdashery was distributed, burgers and hotdogs were on the menu, and some lucky birthday revelers had their party enhanced by the presence of a pack of sweaty hashers.
We moved inside for the circle. Down Downs:
FMIG & Barnacle, for being hares
Dave & Remy, for being virgins
Barnacle again for teasing the pack with an H2O check pointing to a broken water fountain, which was eventually marked false
Fast American Dave & Speedo Gonzalez, for inspiring a homeless man to yell that they were getting beat by a girl (we’re not sure which one of them was the girl in that scenario)
Technically Foul, for slapping Headlights (drunk by Claire)
Speedo Gonzalez for having been clotheslined by a couple in Chinatown
Wet Willy for taking an off-trail shortcut
MILF and Cookies, for only sweating on her boobs
Ding & FAD because they couldn’t remember the hilarious trail offense they saw. It was hilarious though!
Remy the camera-toting virgin, for colliding with a cyclist on the Brooklyn Bridge … international incident narrowly averted. Good thing hashers are so charming.
FMIG & Barnacle for their lack of team spirit – apparently they were but pawns in the hands of the hash.
Rabi & Dave for not drinking because of impending beginning-of-the-school-year work (graciously drunk by Headlights & Noah’s Dinghy)
Eager 4 Beaver for being raceist
And so another summer of touring drew to a close. If you missed it, look for us in Remy’s documentary on 20-somethings, with special guest star Angry Cyclist’s Handlebars.
On Out!
Just Rabi