New York City Area Hash House Harriers

NYCH3 #2000


Receding Hareline (Next 60 Days)

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Date/Time Start / Transit Info Subway/LIRR/Metro North/Path Hare(s)
Dry January is Almost Over!
NYC #2082
Start: Hekate Cafe & Elixir Bar, Ave B between 10th and 11th
Transit: L to 1st Ave
Mandatory Fun and Stone Choad Steve Chalkston
Flashlight Hash!
GGFM #417
Start: TBD, near Central Park
Tall Dark & Hammered + Check MF’er
NYC #2083Sign up to hare!
BLACK Valentine! ????????
NYC #2084
What A Cunt!
NYC #2085Sign up to hare!
Snow Moon
GGFM #418
Sign up to hare!
LIL #139Sign up to hare!
NYC #2086Sign up to hare!
Cinco de Marcho
NYC #2087
Sign up to hare!
Ides(-ish) of March Toga Hash
NYC #2088
Sign up to hare!
NYC #2089Sign up to hare!
Worm Moon
GGFM #419
Sign up to hare!


Current Mismanagement (2024-present)

Joint Masters
Nerves of Squeal
GrayVee Train

Hare Raiser
Snack Dat Ass

Religious Advisors
Geordi La Foreskin
Ditch Sucker
Prairie Dog’n
Pizza Slut

Hon. Sexcretary
What A C*nt!

Hash Flash
Field of Creams

Dime Store Tom Cruise

Pizza Slut
Mandatory Fun

Special Events Cat Herder/Hash Cash
Love Canal

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