NYCH3 #1479, AGM

Saturday, May 5, 2012, 3pm

NYCH3 #1479, AGM

Prelube/Start/On-In: The Parlour, 86th & Broadway

Hares: The Committee

Circle Emcees: Pimpy Longstocking & Tit Totaler

Scribe: Doggie Erectus

We gathered at The Parlour for one last r*n under the guidance of the old mismanagement.  And true to form, the pack suffered many accidents on trail, but more on that later…

We eventually found our way back to The Parlour and gave out Down-Downs:

The Hares: Fire in the Piehole & Tit Totaler

Visitors: 4-Score and Back Door & Brown Eye for the Gay Guy

Accidents on Trail:

  Baboon A$$: For r*nning into a stoop

  Tits & Spits: For getting her shoelace caught and going bungee humping

  Donner Kebab: For falling

Manslave: For his dress shoes

Pimpy Longstocking: For discovering poop on trail and discovering (almost too late) that there was a dink check on trail

Irish Spring: Fell down in the Ramble and Miguel swooped in to help him up

Nads on Film: Couldn’t r*n cuz he has a date with a 15 year old later

Dogface: For leading a large group astray

Danny Choriki: For his new shoes

A$$Hole of the Week: CPA: For the FRB’s being such Dicks.  RU? And he impatiently replies, "Still??"

Couple of the Year: Just Miguel: For his love of paper mache helmets

Worst Trail of the Year: Doggie Erectus: For setting a "Trail" with no marks along the river

A$$Hole of the Year: Tit Totaler: For singing "Who Ate All the Pies" to a virgin and scared them off

Last Year’s Mismanagement: For being shitty

This Year’s Mismanagement: For being shitty

Tit Totaler: For being JM for 2 years.  She got a tit for each year and a baby shoe

It is an election year, so get out there and vote the bums out!


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