Sunday, April 15, 2012, 3pm
NYCH3 #1476, Scotland Day Hash
Start/Pre-lube: Caledonia Scottish Pub – 2nd Ave bet. 83rd St & 84th St
On-In: Danny & Eddie’s, 1st Ave & 86th St
Hares: Lesley, Mean Jean & Fire in the Piehole
Circle Emcees: Pimpy Longstocking & Tit Totaler
Scribe: Doggie Erectus
We gathered at Caledonia, the hangout of the ancient tribe of the Picts. One of the natives spoke to us in his native tongue to tell us about the day’s trail and we understood a few of the words, just enough to get us going on trail and eventually find our way to Danny & Eddie’s to give out Down-Downs:
The Hares: Lesley, Mean Jean & Fire in the Piehole
Visitors: Goldilocks, Just John & Just Kelly
Just John: Again, for running the whole trail with his bag
Virgins: Just Julie, Just Jennifer & Just Mike
Eager for Beaver: For doing the 2nd annual Scotland Year-and-a-day-late Writeup
CPA: For his wooden nuts
Dr Bruce: For offering everyone a bite of his gherkin
Conelingus: For irresponsibly yelling at the wrong irresponsible parent
Mean Jean: For noticing that the pizza crust had the same consistency as her cat’s tongue
A$$Hole of the Week: Just John: For following non-hashers and telling other civilians that they should be r*nning
Mean Jean: For whipping out her c*nt too soon
What’s up with Mean Jean’s obsession with pussies & tongues??