BH3 #580

BH3#580, 15 Aug 2011

Start: Corner of Lorimer and Metropolitan

On-in: The Abbey

Hares: Nads on Film and Trader Blows

Scribe: Blackout

Another summer Monday evening, this one mild and not sticky with humidity…what better way to spend it than hashing in Williamsburg?  It was an average sized pack that showed up at the junction of the L and G trains.  After the usual the pack was sent off, northward towards Greenpoint and Queens .  Luckily we turned well before the latter, and after a surely pleasant but now utterly forgotten trail, we finished at the Abbey.

After copious instructions, we set out on drinking the non-proscribed beverages.  At some point there was a run for non-pizza like substances for the lactophobes, but after that and before actual pizza for the rest of the pack arrived, the music went quiet and a circle broke out:

Down-downs were consumed by:

-the hares

-a visitor (Two Fuck Chuck)

-FRBs for lack of marks.  Why no marks?  Apparently Barnacle was only calling out the trail rather than marking it…

-Smashmouth who apparently had an  intimate moment with some bitches on trail

-Just David who when reaching the Abbey spied a bowl of condoms and helped himself to a dozen or so

-Ding, who either was “working out” while on trail or c*me straight from a gym to the hash, or both

-Technically Foul who was too distracted by p*rn at the on-in to get a down-down (N.B. at this later date it is unclear whether TF then got a down-down for missing said down-down)

-Angry Brits, for being angry and British, and probably complaining about some small fault

Later pizza arrived and was consumed.  Beer was drank.  Hashers mingled and flirted.  Bears were doing it in the woods.  Hurricanes were forming in the tropics.  Etc. Etc.


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