NYCH3 #1363

NYC Hash #1363


Sunday March 7, 2010 at 3:00 pm


Hare: Speedo Gonzales


Start: Washington Square Arch


On-In: Drop Off Service, 13th St. & Ave. A


Scribe: Doggie Erectus


We gathered at Washington Square Arch for one of the first spring-like hashes this year and many hashers were blinking up at the sun looking bewildered.  Or maybe we were just hung-over.  And then we were off for our weekly constitutional.


We ended up at Drop Off Service.  It’s a great place, but it’s either a good name for a laundry or a description of the performance of the wait staff as the night wears on.


Down-Downs went to:


The Hare!  Formerly known as Just Eric and freshly named Speedo Gonzales.


The virgins, Laura & Maura.


The visitor Leo (Brown eye for the gay guy) from Las Vegas .


Jup got one for being the FRB and looking back and waving without leaving any marks as he figured out the checks and left us all in the dust.  He must have just kept on going and missed the circle so we had Marios pinch-drink.


Polish Man-Slave got one for being a little too happy about being “beaten” by his wife Sara Down Under.


Eager for Beaver & Don Juan-a-be got them for their birthdays.


Tim got one for short-cutting to promising, yet incorrect, trail locations.


Eric got one for almost losing A Little Dirty bag of Rebecca.


After the beer was out, so was I.


On Out!

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