NYCH3 #1358
January 31, 2010
Hare: Joe Pennsylvania
Start: Mr. Wright Liquors on 3rd Avenue between 89th & 90th Streets
On-In: Crowe’s Nest, 1804 2nd Avenue
Scribe: Splat!
You know the old saying, ‘When the fiancé’s away, Joe PA will play.’
And so it was that with Hot Rod safely in Florida, Joe Pennsylvania
brought the pack together at Mr. Wright Liquor store on 3rd Avenue.
We were graced with not one but two returning hashers, Maribeth &
Heather, who have both been sorely missed. Our hare explained that
the Eagle trail was 3.2 miles & that some checks had multiple falses.
Apparently Ivory Dickler asked how long the 3.2 mile trail was. Maybe
he needed it in kilometers? This trail also featured a foreign
currency check, which could only be solved by someone born in a
country that did not use the U.S. dollar. Yes, Steamer, bartering
sheep for beer counts. With the pack’s confusion maximized, it was
off to Central Park for a spin around the Reservoir. The clear,
bright sunshine revived everyone’s spirits almost as much as a lot of
beer would. Sure enough, the trail was short but the checks were
tough. The whole pack was relieved by the familiar sight of the
Crowe’s Nest. I guess it’s called a Nest because it’s nestled behind
all the 2nd Avenue Subway construction?
Joe PA apparently wanted to put his drunken accounting skills to the
test, so the pack was allowed to pay hash cash in any foreign currency
equivalent of $15. Fortunately, he was smart enough to let the pack
fend for itself for food. With our usual JMs absent, Tit Totaller &
Fast American Dave circled up the pack. They started their
punishments with our hare, Joe PA. We had a few virgins, some brought
by the long-absent Heather, but they clearly got right into the spirit
of the hash. This scribe does not recall any out-of-town visitors
that day, but beer will do that to you. Liz Tate has been
gravitationally challenged of late. First there was an accident at
New Years that left her with a black eye. More recently she fell
while chasing a bus & sprained her ankle. But that itself was not
enough to merit a down-down. In the process of falling down &
spraining her ankle, she also split her pants. A Little Dirty
received the ‘déjà-vu all over again’ down-down. She first encountered
the NYCH3 right there at the Crowe’s Nest a couple of years ago after
a Marathon hash. Chris received a well-deserved technology on trail
down-down. She was running with her iPod & failed to hear ‘On On’
called, so she got lost. Junky Monkey received Asshole of the Week
for telling the acting JMs a story & then expecting them to remember
it. Ivory Dickler received a down-down for his confusion at the
start. Just Wendy had a birthday recently so we all gave her our best
wishes. Finally, everyone who paid in foreign currency was called up.
For the record we had: Virgin Amy, Euros; Ivory Dickler, Canadian
dollars; Lesley & Peter, Chilean pesos; Nathan, Latvian Lats & Indian
rupees; I-Feel Tower, Indian rupees; Heather, Australian dollars.
Nice! Joe PA was hoping for a wheelbarrow full of Zimbabwe dollars,
since he has run out of toilet paper. With that the circle was
brought to a close, & the pack was unleashed on the remaining beer &
food at Crowe’s Nest.