BH3 #455


Brooklyn # 455
April 6, 2009
Start: Court St and Joralemon St
Hare: Steamer Baldwin
On-In: O’Keefe’s Bar and Grill
Scribe: Trader Blow

April showers bring May flowers. Mother nature must have gotten something lost
in translation because it was pouring most of the day. Thankfully it cleared up
as I got on the Brooklyn bound M train. Arriving about 20 minutes before start time,
I decided to go into the Starbucks so conveniently located on the start location corner,
where I found the artist formerly known as The Other Leo (more on this later) sipping
on a $5 tea beverage.

As the minutes passed, more and more hashers appeared. Finally Steamer showed up,
proudly informing us that he set the entire trail with a very small piece of drywall
(flour was apparently used) and that due to the forecasted precipitation, this was going to be
an A to A hash and that we would carry our bags to the On-In. "It wouldn’t involve going
up the stairs, would it?" said Headlights, correctly guessing the location, at which she
was downing a cold one minutes prior.

After leaving our bags with the hare, we headed north in the direction of the Brooklyn
Bridge with very low expectations. The trail took us down Old Fulton St past the tourist
trap that is Grimaldi’s and onto the Brooklyn promenade. The rest of the trail took us
through the streets of Carroll Gardens and Cobble Hill. Once back at the On-In, the
following down downs were administered by FMIG and Headlights:

 – The hare, Steamer Baldwin. In the absence of Angry Brit, Headlights did a DBB move
   during the hare song. What that DBB move was, my notes do not say.

 – In the absence of any virgins, our favorite new hasher Barnacle was "volunteered"
   for an honorary virgin down down.

 There I am sitting, fevereshly writing down notes for this writeup, when I hear
 the call for the Leos in the circle. The pack finally had the solution for the two Leos

 – Leo I’s "Ewa signature move" of shopping on trail almost materialized when he stopped
   at Trader Joe’s, but changed his mind when faced with a long line at the registers.
   For that, I give you Two Buck F*ck. Yours truly was named Trader Blows for relaying
   this juicy offense to the JM’s.

 – Next was a three-way bimbo award:
   Ewa – for r*nning on the Brooklyn Bridge
   Heather – for picking up men at the forementioned start corner
   Lauren – for c*ck blocking Heather’s attempts
   Headlights – for taking her pants off (they are blue with white polka dots for those
   keeping track) for $120 only to … give the money back.

 – Lauren got another down down for claiming, in last week’s write-up, to only go to Brooklyn
   a couple times a year, bitching for having to do a write-up and then … showing up the
   very next week.

 – Esteemed JM FMIG was awarded the birthday down down, which he shared with P*Dicky on
   account of similar civilian names.

The hash cash lasted for a while longer as the pack munched on honey chicken wings and drank
more cold delicious beers.

Trader Blow

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