NYCH3 #1302

Sunday January 18 2009


Hares: Blackout and Dan


Start: Houston and Broadway


OnIn: Finnerty’s, 221 2nd Ave




                                          Scribe/PAB: Hoboken Dave  It was a chilly Sunday afternoon.  About forty people braved the cold and stood shivering while the hares got their acts together.  It was so cold yours truly (the scribe/PAB) needed to keep his hands in his pockets.  More on this later. 

Virgins were chalk talked and then the hares turned their attention to the pack.  We were told there were two trails, a chicken eagle split.  We were pointed to the first mark and we were off.  At about 1/2 mile the CE split occurred.  Yours truly took the eagle at a modest pace. 

 The Eagle was a good length.  Despite being a long-ish trail it was a fun run.  We ran around the LES and Chinatown then back up to the EVil (East Village, is this term obsolete?) and the OnIn, Finnerty’s.  There was some remaining ice and snow around from prior snow storms. Arriving at Finnerty’s I found the pack already consuming alcohol copiously.  The beer was good with light, medium and dark varieties available.  Yours truly was able to consume/chug about four pints before the pack was ushered into the back room and the raucous circle began. 

Many details of said circle escape me – perhaps because I hadn’t "volunteered" to be PAB yet, and blabbered through the whole thing as usual.  I will say that hares and virgins and visitors (including Teflon Dong) were down-downed, but good.  A girl named Heather got called up because she ran with her bag.  Turns out she didn’t trust the hairs with her brand new $700 shoes.  She barley missed a new shoes down-down.  Yours truly was called up for a down-down for the offense of running with his hands in his pockets at the beginning of the trail – in retrospect a dangerous act because of the ice and snow.  The singing at the circle was notably good and loud. After the circle, Pizza, food of the gods, arrived in great quantity.  Good beer and lots of Pizza.  Great hash.  The carousing continued for many hours. 


At some point after the circle yours truly remembered that he had a camera – Hash Flash and PAB, in one day!  Yours truly truly outdid himself.  Not to mention getting home at 4AM… Luckily Monday was MLK day.  I had a dream. 

The photos are available on at


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