Sunday January 18 2009
Hares: Blackout and Dan
Start: Houston and Broadway
OnIn: Finnerty’s,
Virgins were chalk talked and then the hares turned their attention to the pack. We were told there were two trails, a chicken eagle split. We were pointed to the first mark and we were off. At about 1/2 mile the CE split occurred. Yours truly took the eagle at a modest pace.
Many details of said circle escape me – perhaps because I hadn’t "volunteered" to be PAB yet, and blabbered through the whole thing as usual. I will say that hares and virgins and visitors (including Teflon Dong) were down-downed, but good. A girl named Heather got called up because she ran with her bag. Turns out she didn’t trust the hairs with her brand new $700 shoes. She barley missed a new shoes down-down. Yours truly was called up for a down-down for the offense of running with his hands in his pockets at the beginning of the trail – in retrospect a dangerous act because of the ice and snow. The singing at the circle was notably good and loud.
At some point after the circle yours truly remembered that he had a camera – Hash Flash and PAB, in one day! Yours truly truly outdid himself. Not to mention getting home at 4AM… Luckily Monday was MLK day. I had a dream.
The photos are available on at