BH3 Hash House Harriers
Run #444 / January 19, 2009
Hare: G-Dick
On In: Montero’s (
Scribe: D’Stink
It’s been so long since I’ve written a write-up—hell, it’s been forever since I’ve hashed in this city—that I hope I can record the events of the BH3’s latest using correct hashing lingo. It’s the pack that gathers on the corner, right?
Yes, it’s all coming back to me. What’s not coming back to me is why I volunteered to do this write-up. Anyway, the pack gathered. No one complained about the cold, but there were murmurs of “ice” and “trail?” as we looked around Court and Montague Streets in Brooklyn and wondered what magic capabilities G-Dick possessed that would enable him to set a readable trail after it had been snowing for the better part of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
In spite of the white, there were plenty of us hard-core hashers, folks who would never dare to call the hotline instead of retracing precious steps and solving the trail’s conundrums no matter the weather. And there was one lone virgin. Who was wearing new sneakers. But it’s not that he proudly displayed his new kicks, or unknowingly entered conversation about the shoe sale at Paragon. I’m about to make a lousy transition here, so I’ll just cut to the trail and return to the predictable down-downs after I moan and groan about how long the trail was, how annoying it was to run on crunchy, packed-into-the-gravel-and-brick-roads snow in some of Brooklyn’s finer neighborhoods, and how the hint of a hill saved many of us, but I’m sure you can guess how it turned out for new-shoe virgin and the “friend” that made him cum.
First, the story of the trail:
G-Dick falsely told us the trail was less than three miles. “I wanted to make it seven,” he said. “I had the perfect trail planned,” he went on to say during the circle, but thank God for that snow because his “under three” was actually 3.8 according to Legal in Some States’ watch, so it’s safe to assume his seven would have been a neat nine.
Bird seed was used as a trail marker, but G-dick didn’t provide any of that for his pack; instead, he offered one piece of chalk and set us off. “Stay together,” he cautioned.
Stay together we did, like one big,
“There’s only one big hill in
Another called the hotline, and a couple others followed the message. Blackout received a down-down for the call, while Screaming O and Yours Truly drank for following along.
The hare, the virgin, and the visitor received their expected down-downs, and friend of the virgin drank out of the new shoe for being a tattle-tail. This is old news by now, folks. It’s not fun to write about, but it’s still kind of fun to watch.
A couple people from the pack were inappropriately dressed: Legal in Some States and Liz. I know you both have nice legs, but c’mon, it’s chilly out in these parts in January!
Canine Fixation and someone else were also forced to drink some crappy beer. And for crappy beer (