NYCH3 #1248 – Mickey Mouth’s BDay Hash

Mickey Mouth’s 6th Annual Birthday Riddle Hash
 NYCH3 #1248
January 13, 2008
Hares: The Mouthketeers – Mean Jean, US Marine Whore,
Dave Too Long, John “Ivan” & Dr. Steve
Start: City Hall Park
On In: Cody’s (Hudson and Dominick)
Scribe: Blackout

That’s right folks, January = hash riddle month.

While gone now from the Big Apple, it was time once again for Mickey Mouth to return for her birthday, as well as to challenge NYCH3 with another year of riddles.

The good sized pack met across from the Brooklyn Bridge, where I failed to catch the chalk talk, but heard that it included a critical data point concerning one of the clues (MM’s new age).  Considering the team of hares told everyone to avoid using pack chalk for writing down answers, I could have been in a world of hurt.  An alternative was to take a regular trail…of course being set by Dave Too Long you could guess that would add an extra mile or 5.  Instead I fell in with a sub-pack skilled in both trivia and knowledge of the lower Manhattan street plan.

For the curious, and thanks to the Mouthketeers going to the trouble of printing them out, at the end of the writeup you can peruse the 10 clues and their answers.  I think most of the pack eventually solved all the riddles…at least a much higher proportion than last year (when the main pack ended up at the wrong end of Canal Street).  The last clue led to the on-in, Cody’s.

Right about when the pack was starting the imbibery, a football game between the Giants and the Cowboys broke out, which took most of the attention of the crowd.  Despite this, at some point we had a circle per usual.  Down-downs went accordingly:

– Hares (the Mouthketeers)
– Mickey Mouth for her birthday
– Mickey Mouth for recycling riddles from previous years
– At least one virgin (Lexie?)
– Racists (Eva, for racing to start; Katie; Lunch for racing to food table)
– Andrew, Sarah Down Under, and Pamela for hopping taxis to on-in
– Lauren for not following directions and writing a riddle answer on the sidewalk
– Bottom for not realizing that West 10th and West 4th streets intersect, and looking for another 10/4 junction
– AOTW went to Hot Rod, for having a ginormous series of bags

I’m sure the football watching continued.  More alcohol was certainly consumed.  While the former is usual, the occurrence of Eli Manning outdueling Tony Romo was more surprising to this neutral observer (cue cheering “Thank you Jessica Simpson!”)…


The Riddles:

1: At this spot, $20 drive you long time (Chinatown Bus Stop)

2: First name of woman with a scarlet A, and ___town, Billy Joel song about factories closing (Hester and Allen)

3: Nexus of the universe (1st Avenue and 1st Street)

4: Where Wyatt Earp might meet his buddy for a $1 PBR (Doc Holliday’s)

5: The direction that least describes a hasher (at Tompkins Square statue with 4 virtues facing N,S,E,W…solved by r*nning away from temperance)

6: The first number of MM’s new age = x Avenue; the second number of her age = y Street (3rd Ave and 6th St)

7: You’ll see Fiorella (n.b. actually Fiorello – Bottom) in full form on his aptly named street (Statue of LaGuardia on LaGuardia Street)

8: Street intersection used by truckers signing off (10th and 4th)

9: This Bad Bad boy has been sent to a town in Connecticut (Leroy and Greenwich)

10: Classic end to a HALT trail, and NYCH3’s run #1001 (Cody’s)