Wet Connection’s Last Stand – Monday’s BH3

Please join us in Brooklyn on Monday for what the rags are calling,  “Wet Connection’s Last Stand” featuring a trail and on-in by Dave “The Body” Croft, and a chance to really let Wet Connection feel the hash love as she steps down from the esteemed post of Brooklyn JM.  We’ll try to embarrass the heck out of WC, send her packing like a Republican, and announce the new JM and…well that’s really it actually. What the h-e- double hockey sticks do you want anyway?

Sure to be a hash that will live in infamy, we’ll be breaking out the better beer for this one and making it last. This is the one Brooklyn Hash House Harriers trail you don’t want to miss, the BH3 will never be the same again.

Brooklyn #367
Start: Bedford Avenue stop on the L train
Transit: Bedford Avenue stop on the L train (that’s the first one on this side of the river, exit the back of the train coming from Manhattan)

Time: 7:00 PM



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