BH3 #363 AGM

Brooklyn Hash House Harriers

Run #363 AGM

Sept 16, 2006

Hare: Stephen B (or as he prefers to be known as The Whoremaster)

On In: The Cherry Tree (another new place/3 months new)

Scribe: The Saint

It’s Another year Already?!!!

Time flies or as my fiend Ivan* routinely says, “Time, as is well known, sometimes flies like a bird and sometimes crawls like a worm (or hashers on their way home from an On In), but generally human beings are generally particularly happy when they don’t notice whether it’s passing quickly or slowly.” So almost another Hash year has passed although the prior BAGM was in December, but who do you think regulates us the SEC?

A decent size pack of 20+ runners assembled at GAP for a run that was not too long, not too short and quite good according to thee Whoremaster.  Off we went promptly up the hill into the arch for a check on a Saturday while a farmers market was in progress.  The pack correctly assumed we would enter the park allowing Ewa to grab a quick sample or two of non-salmonella brand chicken and then we were off for a shorter than expected trek exiting onto PP West then navigating the streets to the pub on Fourth Ave down the Slope.  While stretching outside, your Scribe noticed the “Pig Roast” announcement on the chalk board portending greater things to come.

Down Downs

The hare Stephen B and Bag Hag/Non-Runner FMIG; four virgins Kris, Just Richard (what’s with this “Just” appendage anyway?), Alex and Animal Lover (although I seemed to remember her with some pig skin in her mouth later), from Paris, France not Texas; Tricia for new shoes; Dave Hardy and son for the same offense consumed through clogs; and last but not least by any stretch in another demonstration of good taste and creativity, Lauren and Kyle for changing clothes twice – for 10-minute dual quickies before and after the run.




“It looked good and tasted better.” Steve 

What can you say about a Hash w/ this positive deviation from pizza or as sometimes arrives in Brooklyn, Chateau Blanc?


Link to More Shots:

Awards & Committee

The Brooklyn leadership is actually very proactive and a deep-thinking bunch although no one is likely to notice, but that is one key to success.  As a former RA once noted, “They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”** and in 2006-2007 there is a change in leadership as you’ll note below.

The New Committee

JMs:                                                        Wet Connection


Hare Raiser                                             Just Tim

Whoremaster                                           Whoremaster (Although WC wimped out w/ a real naming)

Stealth On Sec                                         Saint


2006 Awards

MIA:                                                       Saint & Crofty

Couple of the Year                                  Stacy & Crofty

Fastest New Girl n the Hood                  Helen

Cannoodlers                                            Stewa

Voice of God                                          Fluffy

King of Kings (county)                           Crofty

“JM I Love Awards”                              JB (I love John)

                                                                MJ (I love MJ)

Young Hashers                                       Gregory, John and Ivan



* Ivan Sergeevich Turgenov (1818-1883), Russian author

** Andy Warhol, In Change




On Out

The Saint

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