Amityville Halloween Horror Hash

it is my pleasure to announce the 8th or 9th annual
for NYC hashers,

Departing Schedule

Saturday, 10/28/2006
Depart Arrive   Transfer Leaves
Penn Station Amityville        
5:02 PM 6:09 PM         Off Peak
5:34 PM 6:39 PM         Off Peak
6:04 PM 7:09 PM    
  Off Peak
6:36 PM 7:39 PM         Off Peak
7:04 PM 8:09 PM         Off Peak

we plan to hit the trail AFTER the train gets in at 739PM. if you're coming from brooklyn, please check
for schedule which i'm sure is similar. please try to email me
if you know you're coming so we can wait for you, or call mike "bee fart" mehary (day) 516 623 1111 x 218 (home) 631 691 1208 (sell) 631 835 9780, or, chris "snake" ceriello (631) 767 5949

if you don't know what this event is, show-up around 7pm at the amityville LIRR station parking lot in a halloween costume and maybe bring a flashlite, plus $30 for your entry fee. there will be beer, softdrinks and water available for our pre-run cocktail half hour while we wait for everyone to show up and we give our final instructions.
basically, we will have 2 trails, one for walkers (maybe 2-3 miles) and one for "runners" (maybe 4-5 miles). you will follow a trail laid with flour and you will get to traverse some of amityville's (or maybe somewhere else, we have been known to send you on a train ride) finest (and scariest) sights and sites. the flour trails will have some tricks and traps, sending you off in the wrong direction, but that's the fun of it. it is not a race/walk to be the first to finish (unless you want to sing), but rather to get the entire pack to the refreshments ASAP.
we usually have at least one or more "halfway" points, we all the hashers stop at and wait for the rest of the gang to catch up, while refreshments are served. then your off again to finish the 2nd (or 3rd) part of the trail. for the first 7 years, the trail ended up at the legendary "bay village inn (BVI)" where more refreshments and food were served, prizes were offered for the best costume and hashers invariably danced the night away. this is a great night because when the clock strikes 2am, it gets set back again to one. yes, this is the night the clocks go back, so you get to party an extra hour, or sleep an extra hour, however you like to characterize it. last year we ended up at the legendary "Amityville Club." This year, who knows ??
for the first time, the LIHHH will sponsor entertainment in the form of the G P EXPERIENCE – yes he of the legendary stackpole fame. G P will sing all your favorite songs – and you can sing too. in fact, this year, the first hasher at the on-in will have the honor of singing "Born to Run."
because the entertainment, train and restaurant have been booked, this event is rain or shine, however, if the weather is rotten (as it usually never is) we will shorten the course and get right down to business, so YOU have no excuse!
as usual, we hope to have prizes for the best (and worst) costumes. if you have any prizes you would like to donate, such as wooden witches, cakes, one of the many bottles of spirits you received but you will never drink, dartboards, umbrellas, etc., we welcome their donation!!!
so as to order the right amount of food and beverages, we sincerely appreciate it if you can RSVP and let us know approximately how many hashers you expect to bring with you.
my computer crashed again and i have lost many email addresses (but not yours). it would be a great help if you could forward this to any other potential hashers.
any questions, feel free to contatct the hares: mike "bee fart" mehary (day) 516 623 1111 x 218 (home) 631 691 1208 (sell) 631 835 9780, or, chris "snake" ceriello (631) 767 5949
to learn more about hashing, or to do it in NYC, go to
on – on, mike "bee fart" mehary

Departing Schedule

Saturday, 10/28/2006
Depart Arrive   Transfer Leaves
Amityville Penn Station        
10:53 PM 11:56 PM          nancy pants         Off Peak
Trains listed below will run the next day, Sunday, 10/29/06        
12:01 AM 1:06 AM             OK         Off Peak
1:05 AM 2:07 AM              better         Off Peak
1:34 AM 2:42 AM              THE BEST  
  Off Peak
4:00 AM 5:01 AM             OUCH !!!!         Off Peak
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