Now updated to actually reflect 2021! Faster! Wetter!

Do you want spoilers? Be nice and text What A C at 646.202.3954. She will send you the link to the itinerary.

What is it? The greatest feat of beer-athletics known to the City of New York

Why should I do it? Because you get a patch! Patches are awesome! Also you get street cred. And it’s really fun.

Will there be boats boats boats!? Yes!!! There WILL be boats, Boats, BOATS!!! 🛥⛴🚢

How do I know where to go next? Each stop will be marked somewhere near the door with chalk. Once the hare moves on, she will also chalk the location of the next stop and she will set the NYC Hash Hotline: 1 (212) 427-4692 (212-HASH-NYC)

How do we get to all five boroughs? Two words: MASS TRANSIT. That includes busses, the Subway, and boats, Boats, BOATS!!! 🛥⛴🚢 Because we travel a greater distance than most pub crawls, travel is a very important part of the 5BPC experience. We know traveling around is boring, so we will all work together to make it more fun! The more fun may include beer, singing or other craziness. Also I’m not sure if this is mentioned anywhere else, but we’ll spend some time on boats.

Is it a hash r*n? Technically not, as there is no r*nning, but there is definitely a trail and you will definitely have access to beer/wine/cock(tails) and your silly drunk face will probably sing a few songs, tell a few jokes and might even show a body part. The 5 Borough Pub Crawl is a NYCH3 affiliated non-hash event. You need not wear r*nning gear; most people will be in street clothes, flip-flops, silly costumes, that sort of thing. You will be walking quite a bit, so comfy-enough shoes. Definitely wear your hash necklace, if you have one!

Can I invite hash virgins/can I come if I’m a hash virgin? Yes, but they/you will still be a virgin even if the 5 boroughs are complete. While it isn’t likely, it is not totally impossible that a named hasher might lay a small trail, convene a circle, and de-virginize you. The day will be full of antics so who knows what could happen?

Do I really have to go to Staten Island? No, but if you do I promise it will be fun. Also if you do not go to the Staten Island stop, you don’t get your patch.

What do I bring? A vessel or beer cover*, a Metrocard, a credit/debit card, some cash (one or two places might be cash only) and your hot hot self. If you don’t have an unlimited Metrocard, consider getting one for the week of the pub crawl. You’ll save money that you can spend on beer! If you have an East River ferry pass it will come in handy. If you want to bring a bike you may, but beer in mind that we will be riding busses, subways and of course, boats, Boats, BOATS!!! 🛥⛴🚢
*If you are ok with the slightly-less-than-legal drinking on mass transit, please bring a vessel (a swell cup) or something to cover your can with. A paper bag will do in a pinch, those koozie things work great if you have one to bring, a sock is even better. Just don’t use the one from your nightstand.

Is there a schedule? For G’s sake, you ask a lot of questions.

  • Stop 1: 11am Beer & Brunch. It is very very important that we put food inside of you early in the day so that you have lots of energy for drinking later. We will be at this stop for 90 minutes to allow for stragglers!
  • Travel Leg 1: 12:30 pm Grab a road soda from the deli and follow What A C*nt! to the next bar! For this leg it is especially important to travel together in a pack.
  • Stop 2: Around 2:30-3:30. A DIFFERENT BOROUGH. More Beer. Suprise! You thought you were going to that other borough, but here we are! And we’re drinking. There will be food at stop 2 in case latecummers catch up and are hungry.
  • Travel Leg 2: 3:30 p.m. boats, Boats, BOATS!!! 🛥⛴🚢
  • Stop 3: 4:30 pm: Yet a different borough (which one? I’ll never tell)
  • Travel Leg 3: 5:30 p.m. How did it get so late? We’re having fun!! Plus we’re halfway through. We’re going to time warp to stop 4 to catch up!
  • Stop 4: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm: Yet a different borough. More happy! Such fun!
  • Travel Leg 4: 7:30 p.m. THE HOME STRETCH! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Stop 5: 8:15-? 1. Get your beer! 2. Get your patch. 3. Party down because you deserve it! You worked so hard today!

What if I am late but I still want to make it to all 5 boroughs!? Have no fear! Latecummers can hit prior stops quickly and catch up to us. They can prove their patch-worthiness by taking photos of themselves and their beverages at the prior stops.

What’s with the boats boats boats thing? Boats are great. Why? You can legally drink on boats! The boats even have BARS on the boats, so if you forget to bring your beer, you can buy one on the boat! Be prepared for some quality time with New York City’s beautiful boats, Boats, BOATS!!! 🛥⛴🚢

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