The New York City Hash House Harriers
by “What A C—!” May, 2024
The New York City Hash meets every Wednesday evening at 7PM all year round. Special events include our An*al General Meeting in May, our Red Dress Run in September and NYC Marathon Hash Weekend the weekend of the first Sunday in November. As an urban hash, arguably the most urban hash in the United States, we usually lay marks in chalk or drywall, unless there’s rain. Trails are usually 3-5 miles, and most of our members run, although walker-friendly trails are always available upon request.
We encompass sub-groups, including a book club, a bar trivia club and a racing club registered with NYC Road Runners and NYCRuns, for those interested in running where there isn’t beer. Our members are world-traveling hashers, and we welcome visitors with open arms.
NYCH3 was founded in the spring of 1984 by folks who had been r*nning at the nearby Summit Hash and the Big Apple Hash, (later known as the “New York Hash,” and then the “Westchester Hash,” and which, I believe, has now become inoperative). Early trails were often attended by Ian Cumming. Mr. Cumming, of course, was one of the original ‘running dogs’ at Mother Hash back in the day. On the occasion of NYCH3’s 500th r*n on September 10th, 1994, Ian had this to say:
While we can no longer throw things at Carlson, we can continue the tradition of throwing things at one another in good spirit.
Receding Hareline (Next 60 Days)
Never hashed? Wondering what this is all about? Click here…
Date/Time | Start / Transit Info Subway/LIRR/Metro North/Path | Hare(s) |
Wednesday March 19 7:00 pm | NYC #2089 | Cheeky Bastard |
Wednesday March 26 7:00 pm | Nerves’ Bday Trail! NYC #2090 | Nerves of Squeal |
Wednesday April 2 7:00 pm | NYC #2091 | Sign up to hare! |
Wednesday April 9 7:00 pm | National Unicorn Day NYC #2092 Put a horn on your cranium!! | Sign up to hare! |
Wednesday April 16 7:00 pm | Pajama Hash NYC #2093 | Sign up to hare! |
Wednesday April 23 7:00 pm | NYC #2094 | Sign up to hare! |
Wednesday April 30 7:00 pm | NYC #2095 | Sign up to hare! |
Wednesday May 7 7:00 pm | NYC #2096 | Sign up to hare! |
- See Next:
- 60 Days
- 90 Days
- All upcoming
New York City Hash House Harriers History
by R. “Dogface” Gilbert, circa 2012
In the best Hash tradition, accounts of the NYCH3’s founding are generally misleading, incomplete, or wrong. The 500th Run Commemorative Newsletter history names the wrong founders, misspells their names, and leaves out a number of early officers. So to get the story straight, I consulted directly with Lee Carlson, now of Washington, D.C.
From my own observation, Lee was the driving force behind the early NYCH3, tirelessly promoting it throughout the tri-state region. Lee’s hashing history was set out in the July 1984 issue of Winged Foot, the newsletter of the New York Athletic Club. According to Lee, he first encountered the Hash in Singapore during the mid-sixties when he was a student there. During the ’80’s Lee hashed as a visitor in numerous Asian hashes, while calling Summit H3 his home Hash. The article clearly had been written some time before the founding of the NYCH3, since it does not mention the NYCH3 and it was about the time of the article that the NYCH3 was founded.
While Lee was running with Summit, Terry Peek was posted to the Australian Consulate in New York. “The Pale Whale”, as he was known, he was an enthusiastic hasher, running slowly and drinking copiously. Several Hash social functions were held at the Consulate as a result of his association with the Hash. While Lee was running with Summit and considering organizing a Hash in New York City, Terry entertained similar notions. Terry organized a new Hash in Rye called the Big Apple Hash on May 5, 1984. The Big Apple Hash ran five times with packs of three to five runners.
Neither Lee nor Terry were aware of each other’s efforts. In August 1984 Lee set a Summit Hash in Central Park which he advertised heavily at the New York Athletic Club and elsewhere. This run was used to promote the idea of a New York City Hash running in New York City. Shortly thereafter Lee and Terry joined efforts, and a new Hash was formed with the title, “New York City Hash House Harriers”.
The role of the New York Athletic Club parallels the Selangor Club’s role in Kuala Lumpur. The NYAC provided some of the original members, such as John Diesum, but the non-competitive nature of the runs proved too much and the NYAC’s participation waned.
Initially New York City varied its runs between Saturdays and Sundays, with the odd mid-week run thrown in, depending upon the Hashers’ schedules. After several years the current schedule of Wednesdays in the summer, Sundays in the winter, was established [editor’s note: that schedule was revised in 2020 to Wednesday nights all year long]. Packs varied wildly in size from one week to the next in the early days. Twenty people was a crowd, seven or eight was not unusual. At least one run on the upper West Side drew only two runners, and was canceled for lack of interest. The hare (Peter Callaway), co-hare (Martha Barnes Callaway), and two-person pack (Lee Carlson and Keith Kanaga) retired immediately to the bar.
Packs now consistently number in the thirties during the summer, and the twenties in winter.
Some other notable personalities involved in the early New York City Hash included Yvonne “Kiwi” Smith, now retired from active Hashing in New Zealand; Martha (Barnes) Callaway, currently best known for Willie C; Linda (Friberg) Bradish, now resident in Vermont with her husband, and ardent hasher, Steve; and Michael Wimbs, who has disappeared. A certain P.H. Dippides graced the mast head of the newsletter for several years, reflecting Lee Carlson’s bent sense of humor and alter ego.
From the beginning there has always been good comaraderie and reciprocity between the New York (i.e., Westchester County) and New York City Hashes. In the 1970’s, New York Hash held occasional hashes in Manhattan during the summer. Both chapters have supported each other, and there are many joint members of the two organizations.
Major New York City H3 annual events currently include the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in May; the Marathon Day Run, ending at the 23rd mile of the Marathon; the Post Marathon Recovery Run, held the day after the Marathon with taxis for who actually ran the 26+ miles; New Year’s Eve at Laird and Christine’s; and HOBARD (Hash Office Bearers Annual Reunion Dinner), a black tie affair.
Mismanagement (2024-present)
Joint Masters
Nerves of Squeal
GrayVee Train
Hare Raiser
Snack Dat Ass
Religious Advisors
Geordi La Foreskin
Ditch Sucker
Prairie Dog’n
Pizza Slut
Hon. Sexcretary
What A C*nt!
Hash Flash
Field of Creams
Dime Store Tom Cruise
Pizza Slut
Mandatory Fun
Special Events Cat Herder/Hash Cash
Love Canal
Mismanagement (2023 – 2024)
Joint Masters
Love Canal
Nerves of Squeal
Hare Raiser
Snack Dat Ass
Religious Advisors
Geordi La Foreskin
Foreign My Twat
Ditch Sucker
Hon. Sexcretary
What A C*nt!
Pizza Slut
Mandatory Fun
Special Events
What A C*nt!
Mis-Management (2021 – 2023)
Joint Masters
Drop a Pin, Slip It In
Religious Advisors
Cheeky Bastard
Cum on Moses
Nerves of Squeal
Hash Cash
Cheeky Bastard
Pizza Slut
Mandatory Fun
Special Events
What A C*nt!
Mis-Management (2019 – 2020)
Joint Masters
Drop a Pin, Slip It In
Religious Advisors
Cheeky Bastard
Nerves of Squeal
Drunksophila Masturbator
Poobah of Special Events
Foreign My Twat
Hash Cash
Voice of the Hash
Ahoy the Wanker!
What a C*nt!
Momentarily Vertical
Mandatory Fun
Eager for Beaver
Turd Dimension
Mis-Management (2018 – 2019)
Joint Masters
Cheeky Bastard
Religious Advisors
American Dave #6
Drop a Pin, Slip It In
Poobah of Special Events
Foreign My Twat
Hash Cash
Voice of the Hash
Ahoy the Wanker!
That’s Not My Baby
Momentarily Vertical
Eager for Beaver
Turd Dimension
Mis-Management (2017 – 2018)
Joint Masters
Cheeky Bastard
American Dave #6
Religious Advisors
Poobah of Special Events
Hash Cash
Voice of the Hash
Ahoy the Wanker!
Erectionally Challenged
Just Sean
Momentarily Vertical
Eager for Beaver
Turd Dimension
Mis-Management (2016 – 2017)
Joint Masters
Cheeky Bastard
American Dave #6
Religious Advisors
Poobah of Special Events
Trips & Balls
Hash Cash
Just Chris
Voice of the Hash
Ahoy the Wanker!
Tequila Whore
Wet Willy
News Flash
Speedo Gonzales
Chokes on Dick
Eager for Beaver
Turd Dimension
Mis-Management (2015 – 2016)
Joint Masters
Cheeky Bastard
American Dave #6
Religious Advisors
C*m Test Dummy
Tequila Whore
Hash Cash
Doggie Erectus
Surprise! I’m Illiterate!
Doggie Erectus
Little Dirty
Trips & Balls
Wet Willy
Solar Eclits
News Flash
Speedo Gonzales
Chokes on Dick
Voice of the Hash
Ahoy the Wanker!
Eager for Beaver
Turd Dimension
Mis-Management (May 2014 – May 2015)
Joint Masters
Doggie Erectus
Religious Advisors
Fast American Dave
What a C*nt
Hash Cash
Solar E’clits
Bolly Woodless
News Flash
Speedo Gonzales
Voice of the Hash
Ahoy, the Wanker!
Eager for Beaver
Flaccido Domingo
Mis-Management (May 2013 – May 2014)
Joint Masters
Doggie Erectus
Religious Advisors
Fast American Dave
What a C*nt
Hash Cash
Solar E’clits Fart
News Flash
Speedo Gonzales
Voice of the Hash
Ahoy, the Wanker!
Eager for Beaver
Flaccido Domingo
Mis-Management (May 2012 – May 2013)
Joint Masters
Rack ‘n’ Roll Her
Pimpy Long Stocking
Religious Advisors
Fast American Dave
Ow My Balls
Hash Cash
Eager for Beaver
What a C*nt!
Ginger Nail Me
Irish Spring
Doggie Erectus
Tit Totaller
News Flash
Speedo Gonzales
Voice of the Hash
Ahoy, the Wanker!
Eager for Beaver
Danny Choriki
Flaccido Domingo
Mis-Management (May 2011 – May 2012)
Joint Masters
Tit Totaller
Pimpy Long Stocking
Religious Advisors
Fast American Dave
Ow My Balls
Hash Cash
Eager for Beaver
Wet Willy
Finger F*cked
Doggie Erectus
Copa Cum Bloody
Fireman Tim
Rack’n’Roll Her
No, That’s Not My Baby
Trips & Balls
News Flash
Speedo Gonzales
Voice of the Hash
Ahoy, the Wanker!
Flaccido Domingo
Mis-Management (May 2010 – May 2011)
Joint Masters
Tit Totaller
Ow My Balls
Wet Willy
Just Brittany
Doggie Erectus
Rack’n’Roll Her
Religious Advisors
Fast American Dave
Just Dan
Fireman Tim
Just Rich
Trips & Balls
Hash Cash
Eager for Beaver
News Flash
Noah’s Dinghy
Voice of the Hash
Peter Trunfio
Flaccido Domingo
Mis-Management (May 2009 – May 2010)
Joint Masters
Trips & Balls (Lauren)
Hot Rod
Just Dan
Religious Advisor
Tit Totaller
Hash Cash
Eager for Beaver
News Flash
Noah’s Dinghy
Junky Monkey
Roy “Dogface” Gilbert
Rack’n’Roll Her
Fast American Dave
Voice of the Hash
Peter Trunfio
Flaccido Domingo
Just Jeremy
Mis-Management (May 2008 – May 2009)
Joint Masters
Just Lauren
Eager for Beaver
Hot Rod
Doggy Style
Hare Raiser
Tit Totaller
Hash Cash
News Flash
Joe Pennsylvania
Noah’s Dinghy
Empress Norma
Fast American Dave
Voice of the Hash
Peter Trunfio
Flaccido Domingo
Mis-Management (May 2007 – May 2008)
Joint Masters
Jumpin’ Jack Gash
Eager for Beaver
Religious Advisor
Hash Cash
Hare Raiser
Just Lauren
Hot Rod
Trail Master
Joe Pennsylvania
Minister of Pubic Relations and Official Fluffer
Doggy Style
Voice of the Hash
Peter Trunfio
Web Masters
Danny Choriki
Flaccido Domingo
Mis-Management (May 2006 – May 2007)
Joint Masters
Mean Jean the Down Down Machine
Jumpin’ Jack Gash
Religious Advisor
Joe Pennsylvania
Hash Cash
Wet Connection
Hare Raiser
Trail Master
Web Master
Danny Choriki
Flaccido Domingo
Mis-Management (May 2005 – May 2006)
Joint Masters
Mean Jean the Down Down Machine
Jumpin’ Jack Gash
Flaccido Domingo
Hash Cash
Got Wood?
Hare Raiser
US Marine Whore
Trail Master
Hash Historian
Head Up Ass
Web Master
Danny Choriki
Mis-Management (May 2004 – May 2005)
Joint Masters
Got Wood? (Heather Malloy)
Dave Long
Mean Jean the Down Down Machine (Jean Marie Kelly)
Cockstar (Alison)
Hash Cash
Peter Trunfio
Hare Raiser
Jumpin Jack Gash (Kyle)
Chief Haberdasher
Religious Advisor & Trail Master
Head Up Ass (Jason Nuttall)
Web Master
Danny Choriki
Email: danny at
Minister of Pubic Relations and Official Fluffer
Magoo (Tom)
Email: magoo at
Past Mis-Management
May 2003 – May 2004
Joint Masters
Head Up Ass (Jason Nuttall)
Got Wood? (Heather Malloy) (Since September 2003)
Wet Connection (Christine Hinz) (Until September 2003)
Mean Jean the Down Down Machine (Jean Marie Kelly)
Sarah Downunder (Sarah Willis)
Hash Cash
Peter Trunfio
Hare Raiser
Baboon Ass (Ewa Mobus)
Chief Haberdasher
Bottom (Official Fluffer until January 2004)
Trail Master
Jesse Picunko
Web Master
Danny Choriki
Minister of Pubic Relations and Official Fluffer
Magoo (Tom)(started January 2004)
May 2002 – May 2003
Joint Masters
Wet Connection (Christine Hinz)
Head Up Ass (Jason Nuttall) (Starting October 2002)
Dave Long (Until September 2002)
On-Sex – Sarah Downunder (Sarah Willis)
Hash Cash – Peter Trunfio
Hare Raiser – Got Wood? (Heather Malloy)
Trail Master – Baboon Ass (Ewa Mobus)
Haberdasher – Mean Jean the Down Down Machine (Jean Marie Kelly) & Head Up Ass (Jason Nuttall)
Web Master – Danny Choriki
May 2001 – May 2002
Joint Masters – Peter Trunfio & Dave Long
On-Sex – Wet Connection (Christine Hinz) & Got Wood? (Heather Malloy)
Hash Cash – Dogface (Roy Gilbert)
Hare Raiser and Trail Master – Baboon Ass (Ewa Mobus)
Haberdasher – Sarah Downunder (Sarah Willis) & Sticky (Tim Hamilton)
Web Master – Danny Choriki
Latest NYCH3 Writeups
New York City Hash Writeups
Date | Run No. |
Start and Finish | Hare | Scribe |
4/28/02 | 936 | Start: On-In: Cannons |
Alice and Geoff | Heather Malloy |
4/21/02 | 935 | Start: On-In: Westside Brewery |
Bahamonde and Diane | Heather Malloy |
4/14/02 | 934 | Start: GPO 10001 On-In: 37th and 3rd |
Crusty and Jesse | Heather Malloy |
3/10/02 | 929 | Start: Port Authority Bus Terminal On-In: Collins Bar |
DBB | Heather Malloy |
3/3/02 | 928 | Start: Grand Army Plaza On-In: Eighty 1 Nine? |
Aussie Sarah and Polish Andres | Heather Malloy |
2/10/02 | 925 | Start: Far Rockaway On-In: O’Healy’s |
Fluffy Lockerman | Heather Malloy |
1/13/02 | 921 | Start: 301 E 51st On-In: Jake’s Dilemma |
Mickey Mouth & Dave “Too” Long | Heather Malloy |
1/6/02 | 920 | Start: Village Nursing Home On-In: Village Idiot |
Fireman Bob and Wet & Sticky | Heather Malloy |
8/8/01 | 897 | Start: Bowling Green On-In: Carriage House, E59 St. |
Cree and Mike Hoffman | Heather Malloy |
7/18/01 | 894 | Start: 14th & 7th On-In: Flannery’s, 14th & 7th |
Dave Long | Heather Malloy |
7/11/01 | 893 | Start: Provence Restaurant, McDougal & Prince On-In: Puffy’s, Hudson St. |
Ewa Mobus & Heather Malloy | Christine Hinz |
7/4/01 | 892 | Start: Kew Garden stop N/R line Queens On-In: “On In One” Club house bar, Kasenna Golf Course Queens |
Action Man | Vince Cloud aka Viagra Spice |
6/27/01 | 891 | Start: 68th St. and Lexington Ave. On-In: The Big Easy, 2nd & 92nd |
John and Aleks O’Connor | Christine Hinz |
6/20/01 | 890 | Start: 110th & Lexington On-In: Hooligan’s |
Fireman Bob, Lipstick Leslie, Ed Lynch | Heather Malloy |
6/13/01 | 889 | Start: Lincoln Centre On-In: Carriage House, E59 St. |
Slow to Blow and Junior | Heather Malloy |
6/6/01 | 888 | Start: British Consulate On-In: Waterside Towers Bar & Grill |
Mike Murphy & Steve Douglass | Christine Hinz |
5/30/01 | 887 | Start: 23rd and 7th Avenue On-In: Garden Tavern, 32nd & 8th |
Fireman Bob and Lipstick Leslie | Christine Hinz |
5/23/01 | 886 | Start: 125th St. & Malcolm X Blvd. On-In: Jake’s Dilemma, Amsterdam & 81st |
Slow To Blow & Chris Rust | Heather Malloy |
5/16/01 | 885 | Start: Roosevelt Island On-In: The Carriage House, E59th St. |
Elaine Kerr | Christine Hinz |
5/9/01 | 884 | Start: Broadway & Cedar On-In: Raccoon Lodge, Warren St. |
Dave Long & Peter Trunfio | Heather Malloy |
5/5/01 | 883 | Start: Columbus Circle On-In: The Back Page, 3rd & 83rd THE BIG AGM WRITEUP |
Roy Gilbert & Peter Trunfio | Christine Hinz |
4/30/01 | 882 | Start: CPW & 96th On-In: Westside Brewing Company, Amsterdam & 76th |
Dave Hardman Hardy & Laird Stiefvater | Heather Malloy |
4/21/01 | 881 | Start: Off The Wagon, MacDougal St. On-In: Ace Bar, 5th & Ave.C RED DRESS RUN |
Chris Troise, Jimmy Akhbari, Rick Chann | Christine Hinz |
4/15/01 | 880 | Start: Broadway/Lafayette on 6 train On-In: Tom & Jerry’s |
Fluffy Lockerman | Scot Gleason |
4/8/01 | 879 | Start: 96th & CPW On-In: Dive Bar, 96th & Amsterdam |
Dave The Body Croft & Steve Brett | Melissa Schimke |
4/1/01 | 878 | Start: Times Square On-In: Malachy’s, W72 St. |
Elaine Kerr & Crazy Bob | Peter Trunfio |
3/25/01 | 877 | Start: Astor Place On-In: Puffy’s, Hudson St. |
Alice Harrison & Pat Flanagan | Christine Hinz |
3/18/01 | 876 | Start: St. Patrick’s Cathedral On-In: Bar None, 3rd & 12th |
Basil Ashmore & John Cardinal O’Connor | Heather Malloy |
3/11/01 | 875 | On-In: Reade St. pub | Pat Cuff & Danny Choriki | Heather Malloy |
3/4/01 | 874 | On-In: Mug Shot Bar | Paul Ashlin & Sara Willis | Heather Malloy |
2/27/01 | 873 | Start: Kingsbridge on 4 train On-In: Woodlawn Cafe, Woodlawn 4 train stop |
Roy Gilbert and Ewa Mobus | Danny Choriki |
2/18/01 | 872 | Start: Brighton Beach on the D On-In: The (Something) Saloon Annual Polar Bear Run/Swim |
Fluffy & Lipstick Leslie | Christine Hinz |
2/10/01 | 871 | On-In: The Bar Formerly Known As Boo Radleys | Steve Brett and Matt Fludgate | Heather Malloy |
2/4/01 | 870 | Start: Roosevelt Island On-In: Astoria somewhere |
Dave Byron-Brown & Dave Long | Christine Hinz |
1/28/01 | 869 | On-In: Chez Trisha | Trisha Hoffman, Ed Lynch, Fireman Bob | Heather Malloy |
1/21/01 | 868 | On-In: Jeremy’s Ale House, near Fulton fish market | Cree Lawson, George & Cole Corwin | Heather Malloy |
1/14/01 | 867 | Start: 72nd & Broadway On-In: Dive 75, 75th & Columbus |
Michele Thompson & John Dogz Bollox Burke | Christine Hinz |
1/7/01 | 866 | Ellen O’Dee’s, 40th & Lex | Lesley Brough & Kyle Krall | Heather Malloy |
12/30/00 | 865 | Start: Chambers & Hudson On-In: Reade St. Pub |
Danny Choriki & Crazy Bob White | Christine Hinz |
12/24/00 | 864 | Start: South St. Seaport On-In: Ryan’s, nearby |
Dave The Body Croft | Peter Trunfio |
12/17/00 | 863 | Start: 23rd & 3rd On-In: Another Bar, 32nd & 2nd |
Dave Long & Melissa Schimke | Christine Hinz |
12/10/00 | 862 | Garden Tavern, 32nd & 8th Sancta Lucia Run |
Fluffy, Alison Hope, Rudy Klein | Heather Malloy & Christine Hinz |
12/3/00 | 861 | On-In: Coogan’s, way uptown | Daniel Salchow, Ted Pitt, Tim Urekew | Heather Malloy |
11/26/00 | 860 | On-In: Garden Tavern, 32nd & 8th | Christine Hinz | Heather Malloy |
11/19/00 | 859 | Start: 200th St./Dyckman Ave. On-In: Bronx somewhere |
Roy Aneeva | Christine Hinz |
11/12/00 | 858 | Start: 96th & Lex On-In: Hooligan’s, 94th & 2nd. |
Scot Gleason & Devo | Heather Malloy |
11/4/00 – 11/6/00 | 856/857 | Marathon Weekend happenings | Various | Christine Hinz & Tiger’s Woody |
10/22/00 | 854 | Start: 2nd Avenue & Houston On-In: Coyote Ugly, 1st Ave. & 11th |
Rick Chann | Heather Malloy |
10/15/00 | 853 | Start: Woodlawn subway On-In: South Bend, Broadway & 252nd |
Devo | Christine Hinz |
10/8/00 | 852(2) | Start: 72nd & CPW On-In: Dive Bar, 96th & Amsterdam |
Pete “Bomber” Lancaster & John Burke | Christine Hinz |
10/4/00 | 852(1) | Start: World Trade Centre On-In: G.B. Shaw’s, Fulton St. |
Peter Trunfio | Heather Malloy |
9/27/00 | 852 | Start: 23rd & 5th On-In: Dewey’s Flatiron, 25th & 5th |
Debbie Ulis & Laura Johnson | Heather Malloy |
9/20/00 | 851 | Start: 42nd & 9th On-In: Tobacco Road, 41st & 9th |
Dave O’Donnell & Crazy Bob | Heather Malloy |
9/13/00 | 850 | Start: 1st Ave. & 51st St. On-In: McQuaid’s, 44th & 11th |
Sucks After Dark | Dr. Seuss a.k.a. Pat Cuff |
9/6/00 | 849 | Start: Bryant Park On-In: The Back Page, 3rd & 84th |
Peter The Brit & Invisible Alistair | Christine Hinz |
8/30/00 | 848 | Start: 6th Ave. & Central Park South On-In: Malachy’s, 72nd & Columbus |
Elaine Kerr & Chris Rust | Christine Hinz |
8/23/00 | 847 | Start: 14th & 7th On-In: Flannery’s, 5 yards from start |
Danny Choriki & Heather Malloy | Dave Long |
8/16/00 | 846 | Start: Washington Square Park On-In: The Village Idiot, 14th & 9th |
Michael Bahamonde & Melanie Ashmore | Heather Malloy |
8/9/00 | 845 | Start: 77th & Lex On-In: Reif’s, 92nd & 2nd |
Dave Long & Melissa Schimke | Christine Hinz |
8/2/00 | 844 | Start: Union Square South On-In: Gold Rush, 10th Ave. & 37th |
Chris Troise & Jimmy Akhbari | Heather Malloy |
7/26/00 | 843 | Start: Union Square South On-In: Antarctica, Hudson St. |
Peter Trunfio | Detective Inspector Friday a.k.a Pat Cuff |
7/19/00 | 842 | Start: Rockefeller Centre On-In: Jake’s Dilemma, Amsterdam & 81st |
Slow To Blow & Christine Hinz | Heather Malloy |
7/12/00 | 841 | Start: L’Alliance Francaise, E60th St. On-In: Sandy’s Place, 2nd & 37th |
Ariane Juzen, Ewa Mobus & Froggy | Christine Hinz |
7/5/00 | 840 | Start: 42nd & 3rd On-In: Nevada Smith’s, 3rd Ave. & 11th |
Dave Byron-Brown | Heather Malloy |
6/28/00 | 839 | Start: William & Fulton On-In: G.B. Shaw’s, Fulton St. |
Andy Hedgehog Millard & Beth Scarborough | Christine Hinz |
6/21/00 | 838 | Start: Plaza Hotel, 59th & 5th On-In: Richter’s, 90th & 3rd |
Geoff Baldwin, Alice Harrison | Heather Malloy |
6/14/00 | 837 | Start: 59th & Lex On-In: Backpage, 83rd & 3rd |
Lesley Brough, Matt Fludgate | Danny Chokiri |
6/7/00 | 836 | Start: Columbus Circle On-In: Dive Bar, 96th & Amsterdam |
Slow To Blow, Ann-Marie Joyce | Chris Rust |
5/31/00 | 835 | Start: Wall St. & Broadway On-In: Blarney Something, Water St. |
Devo | Christine Hinz |
5/24/00 | 834 | Start: Christopher St. on 1,9 On-In: Off The Wagon, McDougall St. |
Scot Gleason, It’s Pat Cuff (the horror, the horror…) | Christine ‘n’ Heather |
5/17/00 | 833 | Start: 23rd & 8th On-In: Bar None, 12 St. & 3rd Ave. |
John O’Connor, Aleks Tkocz | Rick Chann |
5/14/00 – post-AGM recovery run | 832 | Start: Columbus Circle On-In: Reif’s, 92nd & 2nd |
Incoming JMs Roy Gilbert & Peter Trunfio | Christine Hinz |
5/13/00 – AGM | 831 | Start: Union Square On-In: Ukrainian National Home, 2nd & 11th |
Hares: Outgoing JMs Roy Gilbert & Lesley Brough | New on-sex Christine Hinz & Heather Malloy |
5/7/00 | 830 | Start: 125th & Broadway On-in: Broadway Dive, 102nd & Broadway |
Dave Hardy, John Burke, Bill Janeway, Doug Guiley | Dave Long |
4/30/00 | 829 | Start: 72nd & CPW On-In: Bear Bar, 73rd & Broadway |
Rick Chann & Michele Thompson | Dave Long |
4/22/00 – Red Dress Run | 828 | Start: Near Bull McCabe’s, St. Mark’s Place On-in: Off The Wagon, McDougall St. |
Chris Donkey Dong Troise, Jimmy Akhbari & Rick Chann | Davina Long |
4/2, 9, 16/2000 | 825, 826, 827 | Various | Various | Dave Long |
3/26/00 | 823 | Start: 86th & Lex On-In: Westside Brewing Company, Amsterdam & 76th |
Dave Long & Melissa Schimke | Dave Long |
3/19/00 – St. Patrick’s Day Mk.II | 822 | Start: Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Mott St. On-in: Paddy O’Reilly’s, 1st & 32nd |
John O’Connor & Basil Ashmore | Dave Long |
Run No.’s 820 and 821. | 820, 821 | Various | Various | Idaho Sue, Christine Hinz |
Run No.’s 817, 818, 819 | 817, 818, 819 | Various | Various | Various |
2/13/2000 | 817 | Start: Sacred Heart Church, E33St. On-In: The Carriage House, E59St. | Lesley Brough & Peter Trunfio | Heather Malloy |
2/6/00 | 816 | Start: Canal St. & Varick On-In: Mojo’s, Houston & Allen |
Ariane Juzen, Heather Malloy | Dave Long |
1/30/00 | 815 | Start: NFL Headquarters, Park & 48th On-In: Chez Trisha |
Danny Chokiri, Trisha Hoffman, It’s Pat Cuff | Christine Hinz |
1/23/00 | 814 | Start: Union Square On-In: Coyote Ugly, 1st Ave. & 11th |
Ed Lynch, Scot Gleason, Mickey Mouth | Dave Long |
1/16/2000 | 813 | Start: W3 St. & 6th Ave. On-In: The Village Idiot, 14th & 9th |
Pierre Soncke & Steve Yoman | Dave Long |
1/9/2000 | 812 | Start: 181st on the A On-In: Cannon’s, 103rd & Broadway |
Slow To Blow & Mickey Mouth | Dave Long |
1/1/2000 | 808 | Start: Times Square. On In: Shandon Star, Eighth Avenue between 55th and 56th Streets. |
Keith Kanaga | Mickey Mouth |
New Year’s Party | na | na | na | na |
11/28/99 | 803 | Start: 207th Street and Broadway. On In: Woodlwan Caffe, 213th Street and Jerome Avenue, Bronx |
Roy Gilbert, Viagra Vince Cloud |
Dave Long |
11/14/99 | 801 | Start: 181st Street and Fort Washington Avenue. On In: Cannon’s 108th Street and Broadway. |
Marcus “Devo” Schodorf, Danielle Farrell |
Dave Long |
11/7/99 | 800 | Start: Guggenheim Museum, 89th Street and Fifth Avenue. On In: Mile 23 and a bit, NYC Marathon. On On In: Jake’s Dilemma, Amsterdam Avenue and 81st Street. |
J.M.’s Lesley Brough, Roy Gilbert |
Christine Hinz |
10/31/99 | 798 | Start: Slaughtered Lamb Pub, West 4th Street. On In: Off the Wagon, McDougal Street. |
Chris Troise, Mike Hoffman |
Davina Long |
10/17/99 | 796 | Start: Woodlawn Station, Bronx. On-In:Station Tavern, 231st Street and Broadway, Bronx. |
Roy Gilbert, Michele Thompson, Rick Chann |
Dave Long |
10/10/99 | 795 | Start: 79th Street and Broadway. On-In: Dive Bar, 96th Street and Amsterdam |
Scott Gleason, Elliot Sobel |
Chris Troise, Dave Long |
10/3/99 | 794 | Start: 211th & Broadway. On-In: Irish Eyes, just north of the start. |
Dave Hard Man Hardy & John Dog’s Bollocks Burke |
David Byron-Brown |
9/29/99 | 793 | Start: Washington Square Park. On-In: The Village Idiot, 14th & 9th. |
Paul Ashlin, Patrick Reagan |
Dave Long |
9/15/99 | 791 | Start: 77th & Lexington Ave. On-In: American Trash, 1st Ave. & 76th. |
Tricia Hoffman, Marie Wickham |
Dave Long |
9/8/99 | 790 | Start: Rector St. station. On-In: O’Keeffe’s, Court St., Brooklyn. |
The Senior Half of the 4 British Daves (Byron-Brown & Croft) | Dave Long |
9/1/99 | 789 | Start: 125th & Broadway. On-In: Cherokee Phoenix, 88th & Amsterdam. |
Mike “Slow To Blow” Andonov, Ewa “Slow To Drink” Mobus |
Dave Long |
8/18/99 | 787 | Start: Houston & Varick. On-In: Westside Tavern, 23rd & 9th . On-On-In: Flight 151, Chelsea somewhere. |
Heather Malloy, Michael Bahamonde |
Dave Long |
8/11/99 | 786 | Start: 96th & Lexington. On-In: Jake’s Dilemma |
Bo Petkovich, Joe Bencivenga |
Dave Long |
8/4/99 | 785 | Start: Chez James Dean, 19 West 68th Street. On-In: Cherokee Phoenix, Amsterdam and 88th Street |
Chris Troise, Jimmy Akhbari |
Dave Long |
7/28/99 | 784 | Start: Police Booth, 43rd Street and Broadway. On-In: Rudy’s, 9th Avenue and 44th Street |
Marc “Devo” Schodorf, John “Dumb Dick” Hartley |
Dave Long |
7/21/99 | 783 | Start: South Ferry On On: Blarney Stone, Greenwich and Morris |
Buncha Belgians | Dave Long |
7/14/99 | 782 | Start: French Consulate, 74th Street and Fifth Avenue. On-In: Jean-Jacque’s Dilemme |
Miho Kimura, Ariane Juzen, Alice, Joy, “and any other French speaking bastard that cared to join them” | Chris Troise |
7/7/99 | 781 | Start: 96th & Broadway. On-in: Hogs & Heifers, 95th & 1st |
Michele Thompson & Janet Slobodian | Dave Long |
6/30/99 | 780 | Start: Vicinity of 191st & Broadway On-in: Station Tavern, 231st & Broadway, Da Bronx. | Roy Aneeva | Dave “Alright Shorts” Long |
6/23/99 | 779 | Start: Grand Street Subway Stop. On-In: Café Right Bank, Brooklyn |
Jerry Nelson | Chris Troise |
6/9/99 | 777 | Start: 59th Street and Columbus Circle. On-In: M-something or other on 77th Street or so and Columbus Avenue. |
Michael Bahamonde, Jennifer Fust |
Chris Troise, Crazy Bob |
6/2/99 | 776 | Start: 66th Street and Broadway. On-in: Cannon’s, 108th Street and Broadway |
Elaine Kerr-amer, “It’s” Pat Cuff |
Dave Long |
5/26/99 | 775 | Start: 103rd Street and Broadway. On-in: Cowboy Bar, 78th Street and 1st Avenue |
Melanie Ashmore, Joe Bencivenga |
Dave Long |
5/19/99 | 774 | Start: Astor Place. On-in: Antarctica, Hudson St., South Pole |
Alice Harrison, Geoff Baldwin |
Tricia Hoffman |
5/12/99 | 773 | Start: 77th Street and Lexington Avenue. On-in: Beacon Hill, 76th Street and 1st Avenue. | Lesley Brough | Dave Long |
5/5/99 | 772 | Start: City Hall. On-in: Nevada Smith, 3rd Avenue and 11th Street |
Dave Byron-Brown, Dave “Too” Long | #1: Too Long #2: Ciderman |
5/2/99 | 771 | Start: 72nd Street and Central Park West. On-in: Reif’s Tavern, 92nd Street and 2nd Avenue |
JM’s Roy Gilbert, Lesley Brough |
Dave Too Long |
5/1/99 | 770 | Start: Washington Square Park. On-in: Ukrainian National Home, 2nd Ave and 9th Street. |
JM’s David Croft, Vince Cloud |
Chris Troise |
4/25/99 | 769 | Start: 96th Street & Amsterdam Avenue. Finish: ? | Ross Holden | Mike Hoffman |
4/11/99 | 767 | Start and Finish: Village Idiot, 14th Street and 9th Avenue. Second Annual Red Dress Run. | Chris Troise, Rick Chann, James Akhbari |
8 Yellow Snow, Long Beach H3 |
3/14/99 | 763 | Start: St. Patrick’s Cathedral (51st St & 5th Ave). On-In: Paddy Reilly’s (29th St. & 2nd Ave) |
John O’Connor, Basil Ashmore |
Mike Hoffman |
2/27/99 | 761 | Start: West 10th st. & Hudson St. On-In: The 19th Hole. (19th St. & 3rd Ave). |
Kerry McVeigh, Mike Murphy |
Mike Hoffman |
2/20/99 | 760 | Start: Brighton Beach stop on D/Q line On-In: Atlantic Ocean!! @ Brighton Beach. On-On-In: Russian Restaurant on the Beach (offering Barrel drinks!) On-On-On-In: Captain Walters in Sheepshead Bay. |
Jerry “Fluffy Lockerman” Nelson, Pierre Sonke |
Mike Hoffman |
2/16/99 | Hogwash 1 | I Trulli, 122 East 27th Street | Roy Gilbert | Miho Kimura |
2/14/99 | 759 | Start: Upper Montclair bus stop on the DeCamp line. On On: Just Fate, Montclair. |
Jerry McKenzie | Keith Kanaga |
1/31/99 | 757 | Start: 116th St. & Broadway (Columbia Univiversity). On-In: Trisha Hoffman’s (537 East 87th Street). |
Ed Lynch, David Godbold |
Michael Hoffman |
1/17/99 | 755 | Start: 82nd Street & 3rd Avenue. On-In: Beacon Hill Ale House (77th Street & 1st Avenue) |
Joe Bencivenga, Bo Petkovich |
Michael Hoffman |
1/10/99 | 754 | Start: Mustang Sally’s (28th Street & 7th Avenue). On-In: Blarney Stone (30th Street & 9th Avenue) |
Michael Hoffman, Chris Troise |
Mickey Mouth from Shanghai |
1/3/99 | 753 | Start: 86th Street and Central Park West. On On: Tap-A-Keg, 105th Street and Broadway |
Dave Croft, Roy Gilbert |
Michael Hoffman |
12/13/98 | 749 | Start: Woodlawn stop on the 4. On In: Some bar at the Bronx terminus of the 2 and 3. |
John Burke, Doug Guiley |
Mike Hoffman |
12/6/98 | 748 | Start: Broadway between 50th and 51st Streets. On In: Village Idiot |
Chris Troise, Jimmy Akhbari |
Mike Hoffman |
11/29/98 | 747 | Start: 207th Street on the A line. On In: Pauline and Rodgers, Broadway and 236th Street, Bronx, NY |
Roy Gilbert, Ewa Mobus |
Vince Cloud |
11/22/98 | 746 | Start: 77th Street and Lexington Avenue. On-In: Racoon Lodge. |
Peter Trunfio | Mike Hoffman |
11/15/198 | 745 | Start: West 4th Street & 6th Ave. On-In: Antartica, Hudson & Spring Streets |
Arianne Juzen Miho |
Mike Hoffman |
11/8/98 | 744 | Start: 6 East 44th St. On In: Racoon Lodge, 84th Street and Amsterdam Avenue |
Bo Petkovich Joe Bencivenga |
tbd |
11/2/98 | 743 | Start: Plaza Hotel, 59th Street and Fifth Avenue. On In: Carriage House, 59th Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. |
Keith Kanaga | Scribe Needed |
11/1/98 | 742 | Start: 86th St. & 5th Ave. On-In: Just past Mile 23. On-On-In: Jake’s Dilemma, 82nd St. & Amsterdam Ave |
Trisha Hoffman | Mike Hoffman |
10/30/98 | 741 | Start: New York Public Library, 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue. On In: tbd |
Mike Bahamonde | Scribe Needed |
10/25/98 | 740 | Start: Bowling Green On On: Ryans |
Steve Brett | Judy Ross |
8/26/98 | 731 | Start: Columbus Circle On On: Jake’s Dilemma |
British Daves | Michael Hoffman |
8/19/98 | 730 | Start: 23rd Street and 7th Avenue. On-In: Flannery’s, 14th and 7th |
Matt Fludgate, Kerry McVeigh |
Christopher Troise |
6/17/98 | 721 | Start: Lexington Ave/77th Street. On In: Hogs & Heifers (East) @ 95th St and First Avenue |
Vince Cloud | Geoff Baldwin |
5/20/98 | 717 | tbd | Roy Gilbert | Trisha Hoffman |
4/5/98 | 709 | Start: Village Idiot, 14ths Street and 9th Avenue. On-On: Ditto |
Chris Troise, Rick Chann |
David Croft |
3/15/98 | 706 | Start: Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Mott Street near Houston Street. On-In: Fiddlesticks, Greenwich Avenue near 7th Avenue |
Basil Ashmore, John O’Connor |
Dave Byron-Brown |
3/8/98 | 705 | Start 86th Street and Broadway. On-In: Mug Shot Bar @ 75th St. and 1st Avenue. |
Petra Heitmann, Chris Troise |
Paul Ashlin |
3/1/98 | 704 | Start: 86th Street and Lexington Ave. On-In: Bradys 1583 Second Avenue |
Bo Petkovich, Joe Bencivenga. |
Alice Harrison |
2/22/98 | 703 | Start: Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn. On-In: The Gate, 3rd Street & 5th Avenue, Brooklyn |
Roy Gilbert, Pierre Sonke |
David Croft |
2/15/98 | 702 | Start: 41st Street & 1st Avenue. On-In: Ship Of Fools, 83rd Street & 2nd Avenue |
Steve Brett | Dave Byron-Brown |
2/1/98 | 700 | Start: New York Public Library, Fifth Avenue and 41st Street. On-In:Crossroads, 77th Street and Second Avenue |
Joint Master David Croft | Steve Kurtzer |
1/25/98 | 699 | Start: Central Park West and 86th Street. On-In: Trisha Hoffman’s Apartment, 537 East 87th Street |
Jon Glanville | Steve Kurtzer |
1/18/98 | 698 | Start: Union Square West and 14th Street. On-In: Coyote Ugly Saloon, First Avenue between 9th and 10th Streets |
Rick Chann, Bill Humnicky |
Steve Kurtzer |
1/11/98 | 697 | Start: Spring and Lafayette Streets. On-In: Blind Tiger Ale House, Hudson and West 10th Streets |
Ewa Mobus | Steve Kurtzer |
12/31/97, |
New Year’s Eve Party,
New Year’s Eve: Dive 75, 75th Street and Columbus Avenue;
695 – Start: 75th Street and Columbus Avenue
On-In: McAleer’s Pub Amsterdam Avenue and 80th Street;
696 – Start: Columbus Circle, Eighth Avenue and 59th Street On-In: Village Idiot 14th Street and 9th Avenue
The Committee,
Keith Kanaga,
Laird Stiefvater
Steve Kurtzer12/28/97694Start: Third Avenue and 53rd Street
On-In: Dive Bar Amsterdam Avenue and 96th StreetSteve Kurtzer Dave Byron-Brown12/21/97693Start: Metropolitan Avenue/Middle Village Queens
On-In: 11th Alley 71-36 Myrtle Avenue, GlendaleDave Byron-BrownSteve Kurtzer12/14/97692Start: Rockefeller Center
On-In: Jake’s Dilemma Amsterdam Avenue and 81st StreetJerry Nelson,
Allison Hope,
Bjorn Thegeby,
Aleks Tkocz,
Rudy KleinSteve Kurtzer12/7/97691Start: Grand Central Station.
On-In: Carriage House, 59th Street between Second and Third AvenuesYoshi Ozaki,
Elaine Kerr,
Petra HeitmannSteve Kurtzer11/30/97690Start: Third Avenue and 87th Street.
On-In: Iggy’s, Second Avenue between 75th and 76th Streets.Joint Master Lisa Unger,
Trisha HoffmanSteve Kurtzer11/26/97689Start: Central Park West and 72nd Street.
On-In: Tap-A-Keg, Broadway and 104th Street.Vince Cloud,
Kathy FriedmanSteve Kurtzer11/23/97688Start: Central Park West and 79th Street
On-In: Dive Bar Amsterdam Avenue and 96th Street Dave Hardy and
Bubbles (Jeff from the West London H3)Steve Kurtzer11/16/97687Start: Broadway and Houston Street
On-In: Boo Radley’s 11 Waverly PlacePierre Sonke,
Ariane JuzenSteve Kurtzer11/9/97686Start: Hoboken, NJ PATH Station
On-In: Cryan’s Exchange 110 First Street, HobokenRobert White,
Steve BrettSteve Kurtzer11/2/97685Start: Guggenheim Museum Fifth Avenue and 88th Street
On-In: Marathon Mile 23 inside Central Park.
On-On-In: Beacon Hill Ale House, 1470 First Avenue between 76th and 77th StreetsJoint Master
David CroftSteve Kurtzer,
Michael Hoffman11/1/97684Start: Columbus Circle, Eighth Avenue and 59th Street.
On-In: Shandon Star, Eighth Avenue between 55th and 56th StreetsMichael HoffmanSteve Kurtzer10/26/97683Start: Chambers and Varick Streets
On-In: The North River Bar 145 Hudson StreetRick Chann
Paul AshlinSteve Kurtzer10/19/97682Start: Hoboken, NJ PATH Station
On-In: Cryan’s Exchange 110 First Street, HobokenDave Hardy,
Steve BrettSteve Kurtzer10/15/97681Start: Lexington Avenue and 89th Street.
On-In: Kelly’s Korner Second Avenue and 89th StreetTom ChurchSteve Kurtzer10/8/97680Start: Madison Square Park Broadway and 23rd Street.
On-In: Bulls Head, Third Avenue between 22nd and 23rd StreetsMatt Fludgate
Sue SzubertSteve Kurtzer
- Run 679, October 1, 1997. Michael Bahamonde and a play in two acts by Croft.
- Worst Run of the Year contestant Jon Glanville. All captured on film by our crew.
- Run 677, Diva Ultima’s farewell. Steve Kolman and Peter Trunfio do a warmup for Glanville’s Disaster.
- Runn 676, Diva Ultima stays one step ahead of the INS, and the Elton-John-for-Queen movment takes off.
- Run 675, September 3, 1997. Cal Azzouni and Vince Cloud run, Paul Ashlin writes.
- Run 674, August 27, 1997, Melanie Ashmore and Bo Petkovich. Antiroyalism by Kurtzer.
- Run 673, August 20, 1997, JM Unger and Trisha Hoffman.
- Run 672, August 13, 1997. Marie Wickham and Yoshi Ozaki at Columbia U.
- August 6, 1997, the Donovan/Raybould Pre-Nup run, Geoff Baldwin haring.
- Run 670, July 30, 1997, Roy Gilbert and Paul Ashlin set a run in Brooklyn.
- Run 669 – Wednesday July 23, 1997, Slobodan “Bo” Petkovich and Giovanni Vernal.
- Run 668 – Wednesday July 16, 1997, Beth Scarborough and Dave Cary.
- Run 667, Peter Trunfio and Idaho Sue vesus The Wrath of God.
- Run 666, The Number of the Beast, July 2, 1997.
- Run 665, June 25, 1997. Aleks Tkocz and The Cardinal.
- Run 664, June 18, 1997, Laird Stiefvater hares for Basil Ashmore’s impending marriage.
- Run 663, June 11, 1997, Cathy Friedman and Kyle Krall.
- Run 662, June 4, 1997, JM Lisa Unger and Late JM Marie Wickham end at Beacon Hill. Steve Kurtzer scribes.
- Run 661, May 28, 1997, Mike Hoffman the hare, Guillermo Metz the scribe.
- Run 660, May 21 1997, Phil Essenhigh and Andy Kingley the hares.
- Run 659, May 14, 1997. Guillermo Metz hares, Steve Kurtzer describes the scene at Psycho Mondo.
- Run 658, May 7, 1997. Hares: Lesley Brough and Yoshi Ozaki.
- Run 657, April 30, 1997. J.M.Lisa Unger and Pam Housely, Hares. Steve Kurtzer does the writeup.
- Run 656, April 23, 1997. Hares: Joyce Saltalamachia and Jerry Nelson.
- AGM, Runs 654-655, April 20 and 21, 1997. Hares: Outging and Incoming Joint Masters.
- 652nd Run, Sunday, April 6, 1997. Hares: Pierre Sonke and Basil Ashmore. Scribe: John Cardinal O’Connor
- 651st Run, March 30, 1997. Hare: Ed Lynch
- 650th Run, March 23, 1997. Hares: Steve Kurtzer, Ross Holden
- Saturday, February 15, 1997. Apparently Saturday is a bad day for Hashing.
- Joint Master Guiley’s Departure, February 9, 1997.
- Ciderhead sets the trail from the wrong start location, while the Chick Magnets are in the U.K. Margot Southerland reports on #643 (sic), February 2, 1997.
- NYC #642, Hares DB2, Steve Brett, Sung Hee. Scribe: Stephen Kolman.
- Roy Gilbert’s magnificent writeup of Run 640. Ariane and Jerry, Hares.
- January 12, 1997, Tom Church sets Run 639 in the south of New York.
- January 5, 1997, Strom Thurmond, Britonics, and a bifurcated On On because of bad beer and a bad bar. My, that Steve Kurtzer can whine.
- January 1, 1997 – Call Croft, ask him where this one is.
- December 29, 1996, Burke and Brett set the run. My favorite line from Jenny’s writeup: “. . . he looked very fetching in a went-out-of-fashion-before-I-was-born green “cor blimey Guv, up to the apples and pears, what a lovely whistle” shell suit.”
- December 22, 1996, Cal Zooni picks Doc Holiday’s instead of Vazik Hall. Leslie Brough was there.
- December 15, 1996, Sancta Lucia Hash with the Last of the Scandinavians. On Sec Croft’s writeup.
- December 8, 1996, consorting with Leg Rub Steve in the Village. Roy Gilbert, Ewa Novack set the run, DB2 reviews.
- December 1, 1996 and Erin Flanagan writes of Mr. Razzmatazz.
- November 24, 1996. Hares: Lisa Unger and Marie Wickham.
- Virgin Hares for November 17, 1996. Queens J.M. Marion Konop settles some scores with Hares Erin Flanagan and TommyDunne.
- November 10, 1996. Good retail sales by Haberdasher Burke.
- Marathon Weekend, November 2, 3, & 4, 1996. Kurtzer writes two writeups about three Hashes, and insults New Jersey. Good work, Steve!
- Oct 27 under construction
- October 20, 1996, #627, at the Port Imperial Ferry.
- Oct 16 under construction
- Oct 9 under construction
- Oct 2 under construction
- Andi Kingley and Phil Essenhigh set Run 622. Who writes this crap? The Body by Croft. For a bit of fun, check out Alice’s run this same date last year. Remember Shirley?
- UVa Fatboys serve up Murphys at the On In; Roy Gilbert serves up the Fatboys.
- Run 620, in which Pinko Croft complains of burgeoning capitalism. Hares Metz and Feinsod.
- Byron-Brown’s matrimonial send-off. On Sec Croft presides, witnessed by Curtis Fong.
- Run 618, Hares Melanie Ashmore and Lisa Unger, scribe Leslie Brough.
- Mary the Greek and Michael Baha finish at the Shandon Star. Dave Croft reports.
- Run 616, Scribe Michael Hoffman reflects on proper bar selection. Hares: Leslie Brough and Gus Pope.
- Run 615, Vince Cloud and Cal Azzouni (NY Flyers), Hares. Ross Holden. scribe.
- Raybould and Donovan tour Van Cortlandt Park. Commentary by Steve Brett. Run 614.
- Alice Harrison and Barry Cohn set a short run. Lisa Unger scribes #613.
- Trunfio strikes back with a writeup of #612, set by Lisa Unger and Steve Brett. Green urine figures prominently in his report.
- Basil Ashmore says Marion Konop set a good trail, but mostly he writes of Lisa’s chugging technique, and Matt’s promiscuity.
- Erin Flanagan’s sarcasm scourges Roy Gilbert and Peter Trunfio’s 610 Haring effort.
- Run 609. Michael Hoffman assesses whether Laird still has it.
- Run 608, Hared by Messr. Guiley and Byron-Brown. Commentary by Marie Wickham.
- June 12, 1996 (Run 607), On Sec David Croft explores the form of Hash writeups.
- Run 606, in which Brooklyn On Sec Guillermo Metz comments on the New York City Hashing scene.
- J.M. Byron-Brown circles the start of Run 605. Hares Krall and Mulholland vindicated.
- Run 604. Helpful pointers from Trailmaster Gilbert, guest scribe.
- Steve Kurtzer pours vitriol on Hares John O’Connor and Dave Albro.
- May 8, 1996, Run 602. Scribe: Mike Slone. Lisa Unger and Peter Trunfio, Hares.
- The Day After, Run 601. By Croft again.
- Runn 600 and AGM; we finally threw the bums out. New bums announced. By Croft.
- DB2’s Last Great Writeup, Run 599.
- Staten Island and Run 598. Jerry McKenzie and Katherine Wandersee, Hares.
- Just kidding! Run 597’s commentary on American style.
- DB2’s tour de force of April 7.
- Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is the topic for March 31, 1996 run 595.
- Run 594, chronicling John Burke’s interview with the FBI. Guest Scribe: Keith Kanaga
- Run 593, March 17, 1996 with wunderkind guest scribe Steve Kurtzer.
- David Croft writes up Run 592, demonstrating that good writing is inherent in all Englishmen.
- Roy Gilbert and Marie Wickham did not have a knockdown, dragout fight on this run, but JFK, Jr. did.
- JFK, Jr. got into a knockdown, dragout fight with his girlfriend over Jonathan Federman on this Run 590.
- Run 589, February 18, 1996; The Body meets Black Hole; or, Geckoes in the Loo.
- Steve Brett and Dave Hardy start Run 588 in Hoboken, February 11, 1996.
- Run 587, February 4, 1996. Allison Hope and Jeanne Williams at Columbus Circle.
- Run 586, January 28, 1996, John Burke and Doug Guiley at Jake’s Dilemna
- Run 585, January 21, 1996, Alice Harrison at Union Square
- Runs 583 and 584, January 13 and 14, 1996 The NYCH3/Hockessin Hash Aftermath
- Run 582, January 7, 1996
- Run 581, January 1, 1996
- Run 580, December 24, 1995
- Run 579, December 17, 1995
- Run 578, December 10, 1995
- Run 576, November 26, 1995
- Run 575, November 19, 1995
- Runs 573 and 574, Nov 12 and 13, 1995 and GGFMH3 Nov 10, 1995
- Run 572, November 5, 1995
- Run 571, October 29, 1995
- Run 570, October 22, 1995
- Run 569, October 15, 1995
- Run 568, October 11, 1995
- Run 567, October 4, 1995
- Run 566, September 27, 1995
- Run 565, September 20, 1995, tbd
- Run 564, September 13, 1995
- Run 563, September 6, 1995
- Run 562, September 2, 1995, tbd
- Run 561, August 30, 1995
- Run 560, August 23, 1995
- Run 559, August 21, 1995, tbd
- Run 558, August 16, 1995
- Run 557, August 9, 1995
- Run 556, August 2, 1995
- Run 555, July 26, 1995
- Run 554, July 19, 1995
- Run 553, July 12, 1995
- Run 552, July 5, 1995, tbd
- Run 551, June 28, 1995
- Run 550, June 21, 1995
- Run 549, date tbd
- Run 548, June 14, 1995
- Run 547, June 7, 1995
- Run 546, May 31, 1995
- Run 545, May 24, 1995
- Run 544, May 17, 1995