BH3 #550

BH3 #550     

Start: Borough Hall

On-In: Floyd’s

Hare: Just Lynn & Just Matt

Scribe: Trader Blows

  If you are a normal person and it just happens to be the coldest day in the

last two years, you get some Mac N’ Cheese and rent a movie.  If you are a

Brooklyn hasher, you put on those r*nning shoes and go in search of better

beer (more on this later).

  I showed up at right about 7 to find most of the hashers warming up in a

nearby Starbucks. A few minutes had passed and Headlights decided that

we should all go stand in the cold instead. The hares gave chalk talk to 4!!!

virgins and told us that the trail wasn’t that long and that some parts were

marked in blue chalk. Wait… WHAT? Blue Chalk??? I knew someone was

going to be getting down downs at that moment, and it wasn’t just the


  The pack took off and lost the trail about 600 yards from the start. After

some checking, we located the trail and went on our way through Brooklyn

Heights, Carroll Gardens and some other trendy neighborhoods of Brooklyn.

  After about 4 miles, we wound up at the bar to find one (1) terrified hare

and canned beers. It turns out that, while performing his bag hagging

duties, Hoboken Dave somehow managed to digest peanuts and get an

allergic reaction, forcing Just Matt to take Hoboken Dave to the Emergency


  After some defrosting, we discovered that Hoboken Dave was OK afterall

and the circle could commence. Here’s who got the down downs.

Hares: Just Lynn & Just Matt… for being hares

Virgins: Peter, Susan, Jull, and Carly… seriously. 6 degrees out! 6 degrees!

Kai & Dan: Something about not doing the circle at the GGFM on the

previous Friday.

Yours truly: For letting two virgin hares set trail (Ed. Note: I deserved it)

Just Dan: For calling his daughter, while on trail

Nice Jugs: for trying to kill Hoboken Dave by giving him a granola bar

Smashmouth: For ignoring calls on trail

Hares: For marking with cock-eyes arrow

Just Matt: For being a gentleman and saving Hoboken Dave’s life (taking

him to the ER)

Hares: For having shitty (but cheap) beer at the On-In.

After the circle, some of us managed to get fish and chips from the place

next door and others hopped on a bus to get back home…

Trader Blows

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