NYCH3 #1339


NYCH3 # 1339


September 23, 2009


Start: Raccoon Lodge Warren St and West Broadway


Hares: Gabe the Babe and Doggie Erectus


On-In: The Patriot, Church and Chambers Sts.


Scribe: Jason



  It began on a warm, humid evening outside of Raccoon lounge on Warren and West Broadway in downtown. The sun had gone down, and the hashers were eager to start. As we wended our way down the trail, it became clear just how eager the hashers were when we ran nearly half a mile off trail more than once. After some excellent checks (and a few confusing ones), we found our way to the glory hole of downtown hash bars: the Patriot on Church and Chambers.   


As we pulled in for the circle, several of the virgins had already departed, but the brave and mighty of them stayed for the games. They were justly rewarded.  Booty Call had a down-down as a visitor, while Hoboken Dave earned the asshole award for running the red dress run topless. Not to be outdone, James changed his shorts during the circle, and also received an asshole down-down. Jean and Liz earned themselves a BIMBO down-down for wanting to run alone and being afraid of running alone, respectively.  Fire-in-the-Piehole and Doggie Erectus got birthday down-downs. 


Then we all enjoyed the rare combination of pizza and hotdogs for dinner while simultaneously trying to consume the various pitchers of beer and avoid the sketchy (homeless?) guy in our midst.  Another banner night at the Patriot for sure.


On-out (for real, I’m moving back to Boston!)  




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