BH3 #480
September 28, 2009
Hares: Virgin Hare Just Tony and Headlights
Start: Morgan Ave off the L
On In: The Abbey
Scribe: Trader Blows
In a quest of starting further and further on the L line, this week we made it as far as the Morgan stop. Ascending the subway steps, I found a handful of hashers waiting in the drizzling rain. Minutes later the soaked hares showed up and informed us that they were caught in a downpour half-way through setting trail… How exciting!
A pack of about 25 eventually made a mistake of showing up. Tony handed us little pieces of paper with on in location and with the words "Go North",
we took off. Not surprisingly, the trail was lost about a mile into it. After 5 minutes of checking, the pack collectively decided to shortcut to the on-in. Pussy in Boots took the initiative to lead us to salvation (and beer). The Abbey was a welcome sight. The few regulars promptly surrendered
the pool table to a group of wet r*unners.
Down Downs:
-Hares Tony and Headlights for thee non existing trail
-Virgins – there were 2 of them. They picked the best night to come!
-Headlights – for having co-hared what seems like a million times
-Dogface – for complaining about AGM flyers and wasting trees
-Pussy in Boots – for making the aforementioned flyers
-Eva – for getting off the L train one stop too soon
-Jess – for complaining about the bathrooms of the bar
-Melanie – Happy Birthday
-Jason – for moving to Boston
-DBB – for correcting someone’s grammar
On Out!
Trader Blows