Knickerbocker H3

Knickerbocker Hash House Harriers


Founded by Wet Connection, Noah’s Dinghy and Mean Jean the Down-down Machine in January 2009 in response to the ever increasing need of NYC hashers to always have something to do.  Sadly, the Knickerbocker was laid to rest in May of 2012.

Then one fateful night in October of 2012, something rose from within the Knickerbocker, with a need so great it throbbed and pulsed.  That need was born out of having nothing better to do on a Wednesday night and a blatant disregard for the possibility of drinking at a bar without all the complicated mess of hashing to get there.  What A C*nt!, seeing that nobody else was going to take care of this problem, took it upon herself to raise that which had lain dormant.  Employing the help of a gay man, two hot chicks and Cheeky Bastard, she vowed to make whatever strokes necessary to keep it up until its climax in the spring.

The mismanagement of the Knick then became centered around the idea that Wednesday hashes should be simple and easy to get to (hello, downtown Manhattan!), and should employ the use of many songs and lots of bare butts.  The season culminates in the Knick’s only special event, the “Knickerbocker in your Knickers,” just for folks who’ve always dreamed about r*nning around Manhattan in their underwear.


The Knickerbocker H3 runs every other Wednesday (alternating with the NAWW) during the winter months, from October to April.

To hare for the Knick, send an email to WAC at

Mis-Management 2013-2014

Grand Maîtresse

What A C*nt!

Vice Master

Cheeky Bastard

Religious Advisor

Irish Spring
One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, WHORE!

Hare Raiser

Mouth Full of Gu

Mis-Management 2012-2013

Grand Maîtresse

What A C*nt!

Religious Advisor

Irish Spring
Cheeky Bastard
One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, WHORE!

Hare Raiser

She Likes it in the Benjamins

Mis-Management 2009-2012

The JM trifecta

Wet Connection
Noah’s Dinghy
Mean Jean the Down-down Machine

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