Date: 7/13/2015
hare: just dave luther
visitors hot climax & sex trap from berlin
bj the bareback from ggfm
“the germans have no humor and that is not a rumor”
ernesto – smell the yeast in matzoh
turd & racknroller for being harassed on trail
georgia o’queff & drug bust – wearing old matching race shirts
fmig – answering phone while on toilet
dogface – angry brit award
nipsicle – up past bedtime
just dave luther gets named – c’mon everybody ( or is that cum on everybody?)
hot climax – found wallet on trail
6″ ladies – stole bike on trail
georgia o’queff – by random abuse of power from pooping cough
dogface – lame announcement about nass
start: broadway&division
on-in: c’mon everybody @ franklin&dekalb