BH3 #773

What:  BH3 4/20

When: 4/20/2015

Prelube/On-In:  REDACTED ON-IN



Various Conversations overheard on 4/20 BH3:

REDACTED SCRIBE: “Where did you come from?”

REDACTED: “From the Brownie Check, you’re running the trail backwards”


REDACTED: “He he he he ha” (after eating the REDACTED ACRONYM)

REDACTED HARE:  “Baggies labeled YES have REDACTED ACRONYM (spelled out) in them.”



REDACTED:  “Ohhhhh. “ (huge smile on her face )

Bearded men in Williamsburg perhaps East Williamsburg :  “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?, Don’t do this?

REDACTED HARE: “See its flour” (REDACTED HARE proceeded to eat some flour to show the Bearded men that it was harmless)

REDACTED SCRIBE:  “Imagine if we ran the trail the right way and we were tweaking around those bearded men”

REDACTED:  “Ha heh he he ehe hhee haa ha hah”

It was not your ordinary r*n, but to REDACTED HARE and REDACTED HARE, poised from creating a memorable brownie, it felt like a complete success.

The chocolate brownie, the best baked dessert square, a cross between cake and soft cookie, was the catalyst for a good time.  We sometimes serve it warm with ice cream ( a la mode ) and or topped with our favorite sugar.  America’s favorite desert was served on the 4/20 ( a la REDACTED HARE and REDACTED HARE).  These edibles became the comfort food that one will never forget.  Concerned REDACTED SCRIBE reportedly ask for Virgin brownies to be made and REDACTED HARE thought it was a great idea.

REDACTED HARE’s wheels were turning in early April as he arrived on his bike to a BH3 start.  What to do on April 4/20th?  What day of the week does it land on? Ohh, April 20th is on a Monday.  The Monday BH3 was his playground.   With his bike helmet in hand he declared that there will be a 4/20 r*n.   While entertaining his interest in 4/20, it caught the attention of none other than REDACTED HARE.  She was in and now the excitement of combining beer, running and smoking was in their reach.

Now REDACTED HARE’s idea had a pulse. REDACTED HARE and REDACTED HARE set their eyes on possibilities. 4/20 had to be more than a trail.  The trail must have an edible.  A REDACTED HARE & REDACTED HARE Edible.  It had to be a trail that made REDACTEDs run backwards. It had to be a trail that will fall apart like a Robert Hall suit.  It was a complete disaster of trail that turned into pure entertainment.

April 20th was a humid one.   REDACTED SCRIBE was very close on bailing on 4/20, but the start was close and dear to his heart. REDACTED ON-IN was home of everything metal, more crazy than metal.  For metal fans REDACTED ON-IN is an experience, more than anything its home.   As I stepped out of the L train, rain had accumulated in and around trees and street light posts.  The ground wasn’t completely wet but enough to make me wonder if REDACTED HARE’s trail it still there.  There is only one way to approach REDACTED ON-IN, and that is with excitement and trepidation.  Every inch of wall, bench and counter is covered by collage of your finest metal photographs, trinkets and concert tickets. REDACTED ON-IN focal point is to give you metal and beer.

From the depths of REDACTED ON-IN, the trail had to start one way or another.  And it started all wrong.  From the first yell of ON-ON to the last, we were on this trail but running it backwards.  We ran up to that first check and we checked everywhere for a very long time.  Eventually two blocks from the first check; flour was spotted and we were “on”.  But we were way off. REDACTED found the correct flour marks but only yelled “ON, ON” and kept going. REDACTED was not far away from the brownie check and enjoyed the first brownie of the night.  He was on the right trail; we were to hit the brownie check first and then get buzzed later.

REDACTED HARE ran us through Williamsburg, East Williamsburg and parts of Greenpoint.  Williamsburg is home of everything religious.  We were poised to wake up the community and say hello. We ran thru blocks and blocks of similar SUV, all black all one color and make.  Everyone had the same stylist as well.  Pedestrians seem curious but most really did not care that we yelling up a storm of ON-ON’s.

The pack had no idea that we were running the trail backwards.  Approaching globes of flour in any direction, will never give you direction.   REDACTED HARE provided zero directional globes of flour.  People were poised for that brownie and then we see REDACTED towards later end of trail.  The truth dropped on us like a hammer. Trail was officially screwed.  At that point on trail, flour was non-existent.  Lost but there was hope. REDACTED gave us a location and we proceeded.  Thanks to REDACTED trusty trail computer Phone, we found REDACTED HARE handing out some mind-altering experiences.  We ate those brownies one after another.  They were quite good. Fu***g real good.  Some bags were labeled “YES” and “NO”.  The “YES” was really popular.  I ate most of the “NO”. REDACTED HARE waited quite some time and with the high police presence, she never budged.  She believes it was worth a  bust.

Brownie check concludes with an all out walk to the ON-IN.  The Brownies were working.  REDACTEDs approached the first intersection with fear.  All curbs seem out of place and higher than usual.  If it were not for the sober ones, the “YES” bag eaters would be lost.

We walked to the ON-IN. We walked slowly, the “YES” brownie REDACTEDs were happy as pie.  I can still taste brownie on my tongue.  A feeling you don’t want to see go away.  One by one we filed into REDACTED ON-IN.   REDACTEDs wrapped their mouths around PBR’s and washed down some brownie. We were home.

REDACTEDs sat in the back of REDACTED ON-IN. I sat opposite REDACTED who sat at the edge of the sofa/ bench with a strange look on his face.  He had a stone face.  I slightly could hear the word paranoid coming out of REDACTED mouth.  He sat on that seat as if there was lava all around him.  I attempted to break REDACTED concentration and it was impossible. REDACTED was in the clouds, cirrus clouds.  To the right of REDACTED sat REDACTED. REDACTED sat in a barber chair because that’s what you do when you go to a metal bar, you wait for a shave.  He waited all night with his eyes closed.

Circle started after the pizza arrived.  Songs were fumbled.  No one could stand up.  The circle was presided by REDACTED JM and REDACTED JM. REDACTED JM was struggling and we couldn’t do anything about it.  The brownies were so potent.  Days after the 4/20 trail I asked REDACTED HARE and REDACTED HARE how much POT did you put into those brownies? REDACTED HARE measured the amount he would get housed on and multiplied it by the amount of people coming to the REDACTED.  Yet, not everyone has the same tolerance as REDACTED HARE but he figured it was a good amount.  He basically drugged REDACTED.

“Any Announcements?” REDACTED JM giggled.

“I have an announcement.  I don’t have to set trail for six months!”  REDACTED HARE laughed.  (Some metal ensues)

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