NAWW New Year’s Eve 2014

The RSVP deadline has passed! Due to space limitations, it may not be possible to accommodate additional hashers.

This New Year, the NAWW is celebrating in Washington Heights, with a very special Start/On In.  What makes it special?

  • No crowded NYE in NYC bars.
  • A to A.
  • No hash cash! This is a BYOB event.

More details.

  • Prelube/bag drop starts at 6:00 PM (please don’t show up before 6:00 though).
  • Bring your own food and booze for the evening. There are plenty of liquor and grocery stores in the neighborhood. We can suggest places if necessary.
  • Start is at Casa de Lick (Salt Lick and Mr. Lick aka Ian)
  • You can shower if you want; bring a towel.

What’s the catch?

Space is limited. YOU MUST RSVP to adefelice2004 at yahoo BY DECEMBER 28!

When you RSVP you will receive the exact start location.

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