BH3 #611

BH3 #611

Hare: Smashmouth

Start: Greenpoint Aveue

On-In: Doyle's Corner

Man, it sure was suspicious when Smashmouth had his trail start so tantalizingly close to Queens on this particular Monday. And so, suspicions in mind, we gathered for the trail. One and you're on, he said. Well, he didn't say anything about the drawbridge on trail, and how it would so utterly splinter the pack, to the point where we could only get together again over beer and whine (not wine) and complain about being so far away from our beloved Brooklyn. Several donned the new "Where Brooklyn at?" white long-sleeve tech shirts, as if to say, "Which way to Brooklyn? This is Queens, you are aware. Who wants to on-in in Queens? Not me. Let's blame Smashmouth, and all make the very obvious 'Where Brooklyn at?' joke when wearing these shirts." Down-downs were awarded as follows:

– Hare. Queens, really, Queens? Isn't this just as inconvenient and uncomfortable for you as the rest of us? Don't you have those at home who will wonder, son of a bitch, he might not make it back from that backwater this time?

– Nads on Film- not making it over the Pulaski Bridge. There was a suggestion of some sort of superhero flight, but then everyone realized the other side of the bridge was Queens and shuddered

– DBB- bridge split pack. Only checks, bad weather, speed differences between hashers, drink checks, bad directions from civilians, traffic lights, and runner's trots should split the pack

Ding!- ran on bridge as drawbridge came down. Thought he was escaping Queens when in reality, we are all already part of Queens

Karl- designing the shirt that launched a thousand jokes

DBB- ending too close to subway. Convenient Queens? I don't believe it.

Nads on Film- [shirt addled]. Honestly, don't know what the hell was written, but in light of all the shirt jokes, shirt addled seems likely

Death Breast- "it's a little wobbly, but it goes up" – heard on trail. What were we talking about there, Ms. Breast, mm? Oh, the drawbridge. Wow, that's a letdown.

Noah's Dinghy- alcohol abuse. Spill not, drink yes.

Skidmark- karaoke on trail

Canine Fixation- "I've been standing in the cold for a while" – post-drawbridge. Sounds like lil' Canine was fixated in a bad way there, buddy.

I also remember beer, pizza, garlic knots, more beer, then a jovial train ride home. Good times.


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