NYCH3 #1422

Sunday, April 17, 2011, 3PM

NYCH3 #1422

Start: 79th St. & Columbus Ave.

On-In: P&G Cafe, 78th St. & Columbus Ave.

Hares: Copa Cum Bloody & Just Chris

Scribe: Doggie Erectus

We gathered at 79th St. & Columbus Ave. right beside a street fair and a vaguely sexual statue on the grounds of the Museum of Natural History.  This caused the hare to whip out some grossly inadequate nubs of chalk.  We all stared and snickered as he used his shrunken nub to illustrate the hash marks for the virgins.  There was some more gratuitous artwork drawn and then we were off.

They say it’s not the size of your chalk that matters; it’s how you lay your marks.  So after following more than five miles of the surprisingly small number of marks laid by the hares, we came to the P&G Cafe and gave out Down-Downs:

The Hares: Copy Cum Bloody & Just Chris

Visitors: Boom Chicka Boom & Pants on Fire (all the way from Addis Ababa)

Virgins: Just LouAnne & Kuei

Red Headed Steve for drawing an anatomically correct boob check at the start

Just Chris & Rudy for wearing the same shirt

Nads on Film & Just Adam: Just Adam for eating focaccia at the start and Nads on Film for rµnning behind him waiting for focaccia-scented flatulence

Crotchless Panties & Red Headed Steve for finding the check back

Just Chris got A$$hole of the Week for blaming all the hares’ trail offenses on Copa Cum Bloody

Pimpy Longstocking for compensating for Copa’s small chalk by using really big chalk

Copa Cum Bloody for setting the record for most consecutive bad trails

Eventually we got tired of harassing poor Copa for his trail and went home.


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