BH3 #548
January 10, 2011
Start: Union St and 4th Ave
On-In: The Sackett
Hare: Trader Blows
Scribe: Canine Fixation
It was a frigid cold night when I arrived at the the corner of Union and 4th. What the start lacked in warmth (from a prelube maybe?), it made up for in mistaken identity, as Headlights’ stylish new bangs made her unrecognizable to many of the hash veterans.
Luckily, we were not forced to stay out for long as the trail was a sparingly checked three miler. The trail took us in a giant loop of Park Slope down 4th Ave, over to the park, up Prospect West, and back to the on-in at The Sackett, just a mere block from the start.
The down-downs were awarded:
- Trader Blows, for haring.
- Trader Blows, again, for aging.
- Virgin Just Eric, who was brought by Just Yoshi.
- Cheeky Bastard and Porno Putz for their stylish heart rate monitors (read: bras).
- Trader Blows, again, for not having enough checks on his trail (apparently we are a bunch of masochists).
- I Like Head and Porno Putz for what looks like a Grizzly Adams beard-off.
- Nads on Film for drying himself off… sexily.
- I Like Head for r*cing to pull away from the women talk of A Little Dirty and Just Wendy.
- Speedo Gonzales for showing up at the end, having r*n the entire trail with bag in hand, when the on-in was a block away
- Trader Blows, again, for a gibberish hotline
Here’s where I say the hash cash lasted for a while (which it did) and close out the writeup (which I will do now).
Canine Fixation