NYCH3 #1399


NYCH3 #1399 – November 14, 2010

Start: Bleeker and 6th Avenue

On-In: Raccoon Lodge, Warren and Broadway

Hares: USMW and Noah’s Dinghy

Scribe: Finger F*cked

I had to admit, your fearless scribe was feeling a bit worn down when she arrived at the start of what was sure to be an excellent trail, set by USMW and Noah’s Dinghy.  After the pack had gathered (or waddled over after what was surely a great prelube brunch) we were set on our way, running for beer and sustenance. 

Trail wound its way south, over to the river, and back to the middle again.  We managed to get a bit lost and hung up due to the superbly bad checking done by Just Andy, who insisted that the trail did not go west, he checked it himself.  Where did the trail go, you ask?


Once we were over half way there (in my humble estimation) I started to play my favorite game with my fellow hashers: Where’s the On-In? Could it be the Patriot?  Nah, they were mean to us.  What about Biddy Earlys?  John St. Bar and Grill?

But I was wrong – we headed on in to Raccoon Lodge, where the bartender was amused with us and the beer was plentiful and cold.  Much merriment was had, and soon we came to the circle.

And on to the down downs:

Hares: USMW (hymn)

Visitors: Ian the Welshman who’s actually a transplant (brother)

Virgins:  come back and we’ll learn your names! (virgins)

Virgin Matt: ass as bright as his jacket.  I believe his exact turn of phrase was "If you dip my ass in glitter you could use me as a disco ball" (one skin)

Just Andy: extraodinarily bad checking (what a wank)

Doggy Erectus: "Come on cars, we’ve got a race to run." (Racist)

Wendy & Sean: showed up for pre-lube brunch…yesterday.  Hey guys, Saturday does not equal Sunday (bimbo)

Barf fly: bragged on FB that she beat Jared the subway guy *and* some guy who trained for 70 days underground in a Chilean mine.  Nice kills! (AOTW)

Noah’s Dinghy: co-hare but was out getting pizza when the down downs started – or was he avoiding his down down? (Not number 5)

FAD nominated Cockstar for drinking while pregnant: gave her a cup of water (this is your down down song)

Soon the beer was gone, and so was I, but not before the Jets managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.  On out!

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