NYCH3 #1400
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Start: Emerald Inn on Columbus between 69th and 70th
On-In: The Parlour at 86th & Broadway
Hares: The Committee
Scribe: Trader Blows
It seems it was only yesterday that Joey Pennsylvania took us on a 13 bar tour of the Upper East Side. Drinking sure makes time fly and here we are, almost two years later with Joey’s brand new 14 bar adventure and the
trail to celebrate the 1400th trail in NYC.
I got to the Pre-lube about half an hour early to find some very sore Tough Mudders exchanging stories about bruises in all the wrong places. The trail got under way heading straight to the park and over hills, and more hills,
and more hills. The trail crossed over to the west side and exited the park around 96th st. A lovely drink check with grape Gatorade meant the trail was almost over. After a bit more zigging and zagging we ended up at The Parlour.
The Parlour will be remembered by other hashers as the On-In of such great events as the 25 Year NYCH3 Anniversary as well as the 2009 Santa Sluts. Enough reminiscing… Walking down the stairs to our own private area, I found Ow My Balls with a few left over RUN MCD shirts (that’s 1400 in Roman Numerals for those not in the know).
Beer was had, pasta was had, and then more beer was had. By the time the circle commenced, a loud cheer from the drunk group erupted.
The down downs were given as follows:
Hares – FMIG and Trips n’ Balls took down-downs for setting the trail
Visitors and Virgins got their turn.
Rack’n’Roll Her – was given a down down for some GPS related offense.
Doggie Erectus – down down for standing on the check while proclaiming that he is "Done Checking"
BarfFly – for puking on trail
J.C. – for having girl talk on trail
Lynn and Gabe – for being confused about the aforementioned Roman Numerals.
Previous JMs – All the present past JMs were honored (yeah right) for their service to the NYC hash
Oldest Shirt – Hardman (I believe) got a down down for having a 250th trail shirt from 1990!
Last but not least was Just Rich for bringing Half Pint to the On-In.
Shenanigans probably continued, but yours truly jumped on the next 1 train and rode off into the night.
See you at 1500th!
Trader Blows